Hyunjin- Popular Pt. 1

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     You were the outcast. Someone who was always seen as an overachiever when it wasn't needed and and disliked by most classmates for your good grades.

     Hyunjin was the prince of the school. He was always adored by girls and envied by boys. He was always surrounded by people who adored him and he always had a smile.

     You always assumed that's why everyone loved him. He was like a ray of sunshine in this miserable building full of nonstop work. You would be lying if you said you weren't interested in him. He seemed like a genuine person who had a nice personality. But you had no time for relationships seeing as your mother had wanted you to focus solely on your studies. If you weren't smart or pretty, then what was your worth? Your mother always reminded you of your weight so that left you with your studies.

     One afternoon Hyunjin had come to school, a smile on his face per usual. But something seemed off. This time he seemed to not have his heart in it like he usually would. You had noticed this and immediately started paying attention to all of his smaller actions, worried something was wrong. You both shared most of your classes so when you saw him zoning out, you had taken double the notes to give to him. Of course if he didn't want them you could give them to someone else who could use them.

     After the class was over you went to talk with him but he was instantly swarmed by people asking about his day and if he could hang out after school. You made eye contact and you just laid the notes on his desk and left. It was lunch and you left to behind the school. There was an old tree that you liked to lay under as you listened to your music. "Excuse me? Y/N right?" You looked up to see Hyunjin without a crowd. "Yeah. Do you need anything?" You smiled up at him and he sat next to you. "I just wanted to thank you for the notes. I forgot to take mine today." You nodded and paused your music. "I noticed. That's why I took them." He cocked an eyebrow and stared at you. "Oh! No! Nooo! I mean I saw you zoning out and if you're zoning out you obviously can't pay attention and take notes! I wasn't staring or anything!" Hyunjin stared at you and smiled softly. You couldn't help but blush at the fact that he was just staring and smiling at you. "So shouldn't you be with your friends?" He laughed and closed his eyes, a calm breeze rustling the tree. "Friends? You mean those people who like to follow me and just fake a laugh for my attention? Hah. I guess I should be with them. But this is normally my relaxation time." You nodded, not understanding his struggles but wanting him to know he could rant.

*time skip*

     You were laying with your hands in your lap and your eyes closed when you were suddenly shaken into reality. You opened you eyes wide and a blush grew big. "Hey Y/N! How are you doing this afternoon?" Hyunjin sat next to you and smiled as you still looked a bit shaken up. "I'm alright. We have that one essay due by Friday that I know you probably didn't even look at. If you need any help, I'm always a text or phone call away." Hyunjin's calm and cool demeanor turned into one of panic and you started laughing at him, unable to stop since his face looked funny. "Please! Help me with this essay! I'm begging!!!!!" He gave you puppy dog eyes while holding onto your hands and you just blushed and looked away. "Alright fine." "Thank you so much! You're a life saver! I'll see you at my house here's my address. Unless you'd rather have me come over to yours?" You thought about how much of a train wreck your room looked and shook your head violently. "I'm good with your place." He smiled and thanked you a million times for this. You just rolled your eyes at the dork.

❗️❕Trigger Warning: Physical Bullying❕❗️

     He had run home right after school, probably to clean. It worked out since you had to organize the classroom seeing as you were the class president. As you were cleaning up, some girls walked in. "Oh, the teachers in the teachers lounge. Do you need anything?" They smirked and you internally cursed. This was gonna suck for you. "Yeah. I heard that you were getting close to Hyunjin. The only problem is that we don't like that." You had a blank look on your face. They were so stupid but you couldn't say that or the situation would escalate. "I'm sorry?" They stomped and huffed. "That's it? No. We're gonna make you learn a lesson!" She ran to you with her friend and grabbed your hair, her friend holding you down. She scratched your face and punched you. After a while, they ran.

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