drown in me

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

Droplets of water fell from the multiple cracks, dripping into the dented metal cans set across the floor.

Rain thrummed from outside, followed by the loud clang of an old window. The air felt cold, almost freezing as small hands dunked a piece of cloth into a clay bowl. She wrung the fabric tightly, water sloshing back into the bowl before the cloth was folded over.

"Is everyone asleep?"

Mismatched eyes glanced towards the heap of small bodies slumbering in the corner of the chilly room. She nodded, spreading the wet cloth across her woman's forehead. "Yes, they're all asleep."

Her mother sighed softly. She lay on a thin futon, covered up with tattered blankets and quilts. Her milky white hair splayed around her head, over the thin ragged towel. "You should sleep too, Rumi."

"I'm fine, mumma." Rumiko gently rubbed the damp cloth over the woman's forehead.

She watched as water dribbled down her mother's temples and disappeared in the thin towel laid beneath her head. Rumiko took the cloth off. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I feel like my body is on fire," her mother muttered. Pale blue eyes stared up at the cracked straw ceiling, hearing the window bang noisily outside and water drip into the cans set on the floor.

The woman raised a hand, placing it down on her round belly. "I just hope your brother is alright."

Rumiko glanced from the heavy stomach to her mother's pale face. She dipped the cloth back into the bowl.

Her mother closed her eyes as the damp cloth was draped over her forehead once more.

Rumiko crossed her legs, hands falling in her lap. She stared down at the cold floor. "I'm sorry for getting you sick."

"It's not your fault." Her mother responded, smiling ruefully.

"But-but," Rumiko started, gripping her stitched up gray skirt in tiny fists. Her eyes darkened in regret and guilt. "If I hadn't made you come out in the rain like that, y-you wouldn't have—"

A hand curved along her cheek. Rumiko sucked in her bottom lip, blinking her watery eyes. Her mother had shifted onto her side, the wet cloth flopping down on the side of the futon. She patted Rumiko's cheek affectionately, and the girl unclenched her fists, feeling the feverish heat radiating off her mother's palm.

"You fret too much," her mother huffed.

Rumiko sniffled, lips tugging into a smile when the woman caught her nose gently between her warm fingers and playfully shook her head. "Ah, how dare my little girl worry so much. You'll get wrinkles on your pretty forehead!"

Rumiko giggled, grabbing her mother's forearm. She smiled and pressed a kiss to the inside of the woman's wrist.

Her mother beamed at her, face still flushed and hot. She laid down on her side, tucking an arm under her cheek.

Rumiko retrieved the cloth again, dipping it back into the bowl full of water.

"We're almost out of rations," her mother muttered quietly. She watched Rumiko twist the cloth, water dripping back into the bowl. The woman glanced at the cold, empty stove behind her daughter's back. "I hope your father will be back soon. The harvest is almost ready."

"He said he'd be back by next Friday," Rumiko reminded, holding the cloth.

"Please lay on your back, mumma."

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