two good deeds

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I own none of the following characters except for my original characters and their backgrounds.

The train slid to a smooth stop. Commuters boarded the train, several people knocking elbows and hips as they made their way inside.

Such a rush. Her gaze wandered across the sea of people before her as she huddled back in her seat. This was perhaps the first time she was in a small space packed with so many people.

She smoothed out the fabric of her black pencil skirt, thin heels dragging back as many commuters shifted in front of her. Hands folding in her lap, she blinked as the train surged ahead once more, sending a few passengers stumbling.

Between the new faces struggling in keeping their sudden momentum, a woman popped up in her view.

Blue and green flickered as she watched how the woman was squeezed between passengers, standing out with an arm curled protectively over her swollen belly while she desperately tried to keep her bulky luggage and purse close. Huh.

Any other day she wouldn't have paid any mind to this. Pregnant women decided on their own to be in this state. They didn't owe anyone anything— Mismatched eyes glanced back at the woman who sighed, arm still wrapped around her heavy stomach.

"Another one on it's way too..." A masculine voice murmured in her mind, making her grimace as she unfurled her hands and spoke up loudly.

"Excuse me, mam."

The woman lifted her head, staring owlishly as she was offered a friendly smile then gestured towards the occupied seat. "You can sit here if you like."

The woman's brown eyes widened in realization before a bright smile tugged her lips and she stumbled forward with swollen ankles once the other got up. "Ah!"

After the woman had sat down, her eyes flicked towards the name tag pinned to the younger woman's breast pocket. "Thank you very much, Narumi-chan."

Narumi arched a brow on being addressed so familiarly. But she grinned faintly, reaching up and clasping onto the dangling handles for support. "You're welcome, mam."

"Is-Is there," the woman's gaze wandered towards her empty hands. "Anything I can carry for you in my lap?"

"You're already carrying enough," Narumi joked kindly, gesturing towards the baby bump.

The woman gave a soft smile, curling an arm around her round stomach. "Ah, yes. Motherhood is beautiful." Then she grimaced. "And painful as well."

Narumi laughed gently as the woman beamed up at her. It felt nice. Hearing a different voice like this. Unlike the same monotonous voice ringing through her ears over and over again— Her fingers tightened around the handle, heterochromatic eyes dipping back down as the woman began babbling once more.

"This is my third child actually. I'm going back to my hometown for the delivery."

"Oh?" Narumi inclined her head. "Your husband not with you?"

The woman smiled tiredly, a laugh escaping her lips as she tugged at the cuffs of her sleeve. "Mhm, no he's not."

Narumi's gaze followed the movement, staring down at the white bandages wrapped around the nimble arms. She frowned. "I'm sorry."

"It's not like it's your fault," The woman laughed, patting her proud and round belly. A forlorn look touched her face. "You know what they say, marriage is like a gamble. Love feels nice and all at first but in the end, things tend to... change."

Narumi remained silent, the ends of her lips curving downwards. The older woman turned to her, a sly smile on her face as her eyes dragged across her figure once more. "Judging by those empty hands, I don't think you're currently seeing anyone."

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