Pt1: Chase

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Logos start to play as we get a view of Me driving the car still as Asaka looks out in the open fields. I stopped the car as I signed. [Me] "<Man. We've been driving for what felt like hours now! Ughhhhhhh.>" (Translated from Japanese) [Asaka] "<Then get off the wheel and let me take over.>" [Me] "<Fine but first, I have to make a quick pee break.>" I said as I walked towards the forest to go pee. [Asaka] "<Hurry back! Who knows what monster is watching us.>" She whimpered as she looked around. Noticing a large group of birds flying away on her right as she looked into the forest and noticed yellow eyes glaring back at her. She gasped. She doesn't like this one bit. She got on the wheel and waited for me. [Asaka] "<Come on Kim!>" She shouted, noticing me walking back slowly. I noticed her smacking the wheel of the car like she was in a hurry and I was confused. [Me] "<What's wrong?>" She pulled me in the car and tried to get the thing moving. [Me] "<Wait wait wait! Asaka!>" I held her hands to stop spinning the wheel. [Me] "<What's wrong?!>" Asaka points towards the forest behind me and I notice nothing before two yellow eyes glared back. Something was watching us. I started to freak out as well. [Me] "<Go, go!>" I got out and started to push the car as the brown monster revealed itself and missed its attack. We drove away from it. I look back at the monster who was chasing us. It had a single orange horn in between it's eyes, long tail, was running on all fours, big ears and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. It was Baragon! (Baragon roaring) To be continued.

Godzilla: Hotlines S2 Ep2: Baragon's DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now