Pt4: Too Many Monsters

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Back with us, Baragon was done sniffing us and stomping away as we both sighed and walked out of the forest. [Asaka] "<Kim, look!>" She said as she pointed to an ancient temple in the mountain that seemed big enough to fit a monster in as I noticed it. We begin to walk there to check it out. Back with Godzilla, Godzilla had punched Orga to the ground and backed up but Orga got back up and used his Shoulder Cannon as Godzilla counter attack with his Atomic Breath! Now stronger than before! Then Godzilla's Atomic Breath destroyed Orga's Shoulder Cannon beam and pushed Orga back as he screeched. He then got back up and began to run from Godzilla before Godzilla snarled and was about to begin the chase but a grass tendril wrapped itself around Godzilla's arm and Godzilla turned back to notice Biollante roaring at him. Furious at the last time they fought. However, Anguirus was still there and bit the tendril that was holding Godzilla's arm as Biollante roared in pain, letting go of Godzilla and smacking Anguirus away, snarling. Godzilla then turned to face Biollante and blasted his Atomic Breath at her as she took the full blast, getting knocked down and giving Anguirus and Godzilla a chance to escape. But Biollante got up and sprinted towards Godzilla. She wasn't done with him and she wanted him to pay. To be continued.

Godzilla: Hotlines S2 Ep2: Baragon's DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now