The Massacre

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Reki stared into Langa's aqua eyes which held no kindness or recognition for who he used to be, only pure unbridled rage and insanity. He felt Ahmya's blood drip down from Langa's fingers onto his lips, the metallic flavor filling his mouth and making him sick to his stomach. Langa leaned forward, his lips brushing against Reki's and Reki pulled away, shoving the blue haired boy across the room. He wiped at his cheek, the red staining his skin and spat out the blood that had collected in his mouth, on his lips.

It was Ahmya's blood.

It was Ahmya's blood.

It was Ahmya's blood.

That thought raced through his mind and it was all Reki could think. He started breathing a little too fast, a little too hard. His hands shook and his entire body trembled, staring at the blood smeared across his fingertips from when he had wiped it off his face. Reki found he had lost his voice and couldn't find the strength to scream out for help, even as Langa twisted the knife around a few times in Ahmya's chest right before his eyes and pulled it out, red dripping from its tip. Reki wanted to run, to get out of there, to call the police, or maybe just to wake up in bed from this awful nightmare.

Langa's eyes flicked over to Reki and the redhead's breath left his body, those beautiful eyes he once found comfort in and could get lost in for hours now empty and cold, that usually calm and caring face that Reki would cup in his hands for hours now a mask of anger. Those lips that would softly press against Reki's and move in motion with his were now licked with a tongue with malicious intent. Reki didn't want to know what was running through that psychopath's mind, he didn't want to know who Langa planned to murder in cold blood next.

"Don't be scared, please." Langa said, his face falling as he saw Reki back up towards the door.

Reki bumped against the closed door and fumbled for the knob without looking, finally filling his lungs with air again. He still didn't say anything and he spun around quickly, grabbing at the doorknob, unable to open it easily due to his shaking hands. Just as he almost managed to open the door, Langa's hand clamped over his mouth and dragged him back, pulling Reki tightly against his body and putting his mouth next to Reki's ear.

"Reki, don't run away, I love you." Langa whispered, "Stay here with me. Stay with me and I won't kill anyone else. It's all for you, Reki."

Reki felt more warm blood cover his lips as he struggled against Langa's grip, his screams muffled. He clawed at Langa's arms, stomping his feet down on Langa's toes in retaliation. Reki needed to escape, he needed to find his phone which he had left behind on the couch and call the cops right away.

After more struggling, Reki managed to escape Langa's grasp, breathing hard and looking back, "Y-you're insane!"

Langa cocked his head, looking a little sad, well as sad as a psychotic killer could, "But Reki... you're the reason I'm insane. It's all for you."

"NO!" Reki shouted, his voice cracking a bit. It wasn't his fault, it was Langa's, for killing an innocent girl who did nothing wrong, "You're just crazy! How could you just... kill Ahmya!"

Langa walked over to Reki, who backed up and bumped into the wall again, "Reki, I killed Ahmya because she was in the way. She asked you out and you're only supposed to be with me."

"I didn't even say yes!" Reki exclaimed, shoving Langa back.

"She was still in the way." Langa said in a dark tone.

Reki swallowed and stared Langa down, trying to think of a way to get out of the room and warn everyone in the house that Langa was killing people. Langa approached Reki and caressed his face, tracing his thumb down Reki's cheekbone, ignoring the redhead's trembling.

Your Love Made Me Insane | Yandere Langa AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz