The Kidnapping

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Reki's eyes fluttered open, his head pounding in pain. Some part of his brain seemed to be cheering, shouting out in joy because everything really had been a dream, that everything was fine. However, that internal celebration was short-lived when he was finally fully conscious, noticing he was sitting in a chair -- no, tied to a chair, his wrists bound together behind him, ankles strapped to the chair legs. A cloth had been tied around his head and tugged into his mouth and the room was dark, the only thing Reki was able to see were his own feet when he looked down.

He struggled, trying to at least free his legs, because then he would be at least halfway free. Reki tried to arch his back up, trying to pull his arms up over the chair's back, but then he realized that a rope was tied around his waist and the chair. His next choice was to rock the chair back and forth, realizing that if he could break the chair, he could find a way to untie himself and escape. Reki didn't need to know who had tied him to this chair, he already knew.

Eventually, he began to fall over and he gasped, crashing to the floor. For a few seconds, hope filled his entire body, moving around a bit to check if the chair had broken. Reki moved his legs around, joyful as he felt his left leg move around freely, the chair had broken a bit. He started kicking at the chair's other leg, hoping that if he did so hard enough, he could eventually free his ankles and then, eventually free the rest of himself.

Suddenly the light flicked on and Reki lost all hope he had. Footsteps approached him and he cringed as Langa crouched down beside him, cocking his head to the side. Blood splattered across his face and he looked like he had been... crying, tear tracks making paths through the red that stained his cheeks. His aqua eyes slipped down Reki's form, going somewhat wide when they landed on Reki's freed leg.

"Are you trying to leave me?" He whispered, his voice already sad sounding.

Reki's heart began to race and he tried to speak but it only came out as, "Nnng!"

Langa sat down, crossing his legs and pulling the gag out of Reki's mouth, "Tell me Reki, are you leaving me too? After my father? After even my mom tried to?"

Reki's hair fell into his mouth when he opened it, trying to find the words that would keep him alive, "O-of course not. I just... don't wanna be tied up. I won't leave you, I just... want you to untie me."

"But," Langa's mouth stayed open for a moment and Reki saw him wracking his own brain for what to say, "You might run away, because I scared you. I can't have you running away."

"I won't, I'll stay. Just untie me Langa." Reki lied, struggling against the ropes that dug into his wrists.

Langa's eyes hardened, "I know when you're lying. You're scared. We've gotta get closer again, so for now, you've gotta stay like this until I know you won't run away."

Reki's eyes widened as Langa stood up and walked behind him. From behind, he felt Langa crouch down and release Reki from the chair, muttering something about how weak the chairs in his house were. When Reki was no longer bound to the chair, Langa took the ropes that had tied him to the chair and started tying his legs together, keeping Reki laying down on the floor. Reki kicked his legs in retaliation, the pain from when he was stabbed shooting down his thigh and into the rest of his legs like lightning.

"Reki stop!" Langa said, annoyed, trying to grab Reki's legs and wrap the ropes around them.

"NO!" Reki exclaimed, struggling against Langa's tight grip, trying to use his resistance as a distraction so he could free his hands.

Langa froze and then suddenly, pressed his hand against where he had stabbed Reki and the redhead gasped in pain, causing him to stop fighting back. The pain was so bad, it was almost blinding, he could hardly feel Langa binding his legs together because of the agony. He had to hold back a scream, he was scared that if he did that, Langa would kill him because someone might find them, then what would Langa do?

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