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Sage waited patiently for Tony in the lab as he went to go fetch one of the multiple other suits he had made for her. She couldn't use the one she was wearing, obviously, seeing as it had a hole torn through it, but lucky for her, Tony was always making new suits with improvements. While she waited for him, she sat down on one of the benches, sharpening one of her swords as she watched the others get ready in silence. When she saw Pietro Maximoff toss Wanda Nat's red leather jacket, though, she spoke up.

"That's Nat's jacket," she said, catching the twins off guard. They blinked, looking up at her. "She doesn't wear it a whole lot, but it's still hers."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just-" Wanda began to apologize, but Sage cut her off.

"No, it's fine. It, uh... it suits you," Sage admitted awkwardly. She rubbed the back of her neck and cleared her throat. "You know, you've got the whole red aesthetic going with the powers and the... hair. Just a head's up in case she says anything when we find her."

There was a long, awkward pause during which Sage rocked back and forth on her heels and the twins stared down at the floor.

"I really am sorry about the visions," Wanda spoke up, trying her best to sound as genuine as possible. Sage hesitantly met her eyes and saw that they were swimming with regret. "I can only imagine how much pain seeing that must have brought you, and I... I thought that you and the other Avengers were responsible for our parents dying, and I thought that Ultron was on our side. I know how wrong I was now, and I'm sorry."

Sage paused, not really knowing what to say. There was a part of her that was still holding tightly onto the resentment she had for Wanda Maximoff for all the pain she had caused her, but deep down, she knew that she wasn't entirely to blame. She had spent her whole life believing that the Avengers were monsters, and she had no evidence to prove otherwise. How could she be to blame for villainizing them? She had genuinely believed that all Ultron was going to do was destroy the Avengers, and that was it. She had been misguided, but it wasn't entirely her fault.

Before she got the opportunity to accept Wanda's apology, however, Tony came waltzing into the room with a large metal case in his hands.

"Here you go, kid," he said, handing the case to Sage. "It's made of more durable material so, you know, if you get shot again, even if it kills you, the suit'll still be intact."

"Well, it's good to know where your priorities are at," said Sage dryly as Tony shot her a cheeky smile. "I'll just go change into this, then," she said, raising the case for emphasis before heading off to the bathroom.

When she opened the case, she saw immediately that Tony had changed the colouring of the suit ever so slightly. Now it was more black than purple, but it looked cool so Sage didn't really mind. As she slipped it on, she felt that it was made of a slightly different material. It was barely noticeable, but it was definitely stretchier, making it a lot more comfortable, which she was thankful for. It wasn't like the other one hadn't been, but she liked the concept of improving something that was already good to begin with. Still, from the outside, it looked just as leathery as the old one had.

When she got out of the bathroom, Sage walked over to the section of the lab that contained her weapons and picked out two identical looking knives, and slipped them in the holsters on the thighs of her suit. Then, she grabbed two swords, and slipped them onto her back and walked over to the quinjet.

"Ultron knows we're coming," Steve spoke up once everyone was on board the jet. "Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't." At this, Sage cast Pietro and Wanda apologetic looks, knowing that this was where they were born and raised. Steve continued his speech. "So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them, and we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

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