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K kinda dr Seuss if he was serious and kinda depressing

A this is a this,

A that is a that,

A kiss is a kiss,

A mat is a mat,

A door is a door,

A rhyme is a rhyme,

A floor is a floor,

A lime is a lime,

A moo is a moo,

A flea is a flea,

A you is a you,

A me is a me,

But a color ain't color,

No, no it's not,

A color is all colors,

In case you forgot,

The colors you see,

Are all you and me,

No color can be,

Without you or me,

Without the rainy blue,

Whithout the sad grey,

Or the sunny yellow

That shoos clouds away,

Not the purple that's deep,

Or a bright pink that pops,

Nor the green in trees,

Not even black in dark ops,

Not the brown that tinges our skin, eyes and hair,

Not the tan that we get in the sun,

Nor a clear coat that hangs in the air,

Or the gold we see when we've won,

No color is not color,

You can disagree,

But color makes the world,

It makes you and me,

We tell others their colors aren't pretty enough,

We tell them they have to many,

We tell them we don't like their shade,

Or scream you shouldn't have any,

But color is you,

And color is me,

A you is a you,

A me is a me,

So who's to tell us our colors are wrong,

We changed the rhyme we changed the song,

We paint out our colors all of them too,

I love my colors,

How about you?


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