Chapter 12

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POV Change

I was just about to turn the corner when I heard the already familiar words.

"Then go be happy..."

It couldn't be...

Pulling back my sleeve, I stare horrified at the words on my arm

"No-!" I whirl around looking for the girl, but she was already gone.

Maybe she went to the gym? She wouldn't skip practice... would she?

I go straight to the gym, opening the door I look around.

She's not here...

"Hey, Tsukki!" I look to see who called me.

"Hey, Yamaguchi..."

"Hm? Where's Y/N?"

"She had to do something. She'll probably be here soon."

I hope... 

"Oh okay."

"Alright guys, let's get started." Daichi decides.

Halfway through practice, Takeda's phone starts ringing. He picks it up and steps outside to answer.

There are a few confused looks, but I'm still stuck on the same thought I have been all practice.

Y/N never came to practice.

Suga said she'd come by a little before I did to grab her things but she didn't say anything.

Yachi thinks she went home.

When Takeda comes back in, he talks to Ukai quietly. Neither of them looks happy.

"Alright, can you guys all come over here?" Ukai asks.

We all gather around the two of them, curious as to what's happening.

"I- I just got a phone call... it was about Y/N... she is no longer able to be our manager and has quit," Takeda says.

"What? Why?!" Hinata asks.

"She also won't be coming to school anymore. Her mother said she will be homeschooled due to some unforeseen events." He continues, ignoring the interruption.

It's all my fault...

The practice continues like usual but the atmosphere is very different.

That night, while I'm doing homework my parents were watching the news.

I was half-listening to see if anything interesting had happened when a story about a car accident comes up.

"Just hours earlier, a (your age) year old girl was hit by a car." The reporter narrates, "She was walking home from school when just outside of Karasuno High, she was hit."

Across the screen, images are shown of a girl being lifted into an ambulance. She looks familiar but I can't quite place it... until it shows live footage of the girl in a hospital bed. She's unconscious and has all sorts of injuries and bandages on her face but it's not hard to make out how it is.

No... Y/N...

Ignoring the voiceover, I watch as the video shows the heart rate monitor faltering and doctors shoving past the camera. As someone starts trying to get people out of the room, the last thing I see is that her heart has stopped.

I'm Happy with Him - Tsukishima x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now