Chapter Five: Infinite Kidnaps Sprixie

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That day with Sprixie hanging out with Team Forces went by very quickly. Today was offically Sprixie's best day ever. She got to work on a new invention with Tails, guard the Master Emerald with Knuckles, make some music with Vector, train with Espio, bake cookies with Charmy, and take care of some chao's with Silver, but hanging out with Amy was the best for her. Sprixie and Amy got really close that day and they even saw each other as sisters.

It was night time and Team Forces were about to go to bed. They decided that Sprixie sleep over for the night and Knuckles even let her borrow his pink pillow.

Sprixie: Hanging out with you and the rest of Team Forces was so much fun, Amy!

Amy: I'm glad we got to hang out with you today too, Sprixie. Goodnight.

Sprixie: [Yawns] Goodnight Amy.

Amy left the room and Sprixie got under the covers and got ready to go to sleep, but before she could, she got an incoming call from someone. Sprixie looked out her SprixPod and saw that the call was from Infinite. She answered the call and Infinite appeared on the screen.

Sprixie: Hello Master Infinite.

Infinite: [Evilly] Hello Sprixie. Did you get the medallions from Team Forces yet?

Sprixie: Actually Master Infinite, I don't think I wanna steal the medallions anymore.

Infinite: [Shocked] What do you mean by that?!

Sprixie: I actually like hanging out with Team Forces. They're nice.

Infinite: [Angry] Well you can't hang out with them or be their friend! You were suppose to steal the medallions from them!

Sprixie: [Sternly] Well Infinite, I don't even want to be in The Eggman Empire anymore! I don't even like you guys that much!

Infinite: [Pissed off] WHAT?!!!

Sprixie: [Angry] That's right! Goodbye Infinite! [Hangs up]

Infinite: [Angry about Sprixie's betrayal] She is gonna pay!

That night while Sprixie was asleep, Infinite snuck into the Team Forces Headquarters and was getting ready to kidnap Sprixie. Infinite went over to the room Sprixie was sleeping in and grabbed onto her.

Sprixie: [Waking up] W-what's going on?

Infinite: [Evilly] Hello Sprixie.

Sprixie: [Scared] Infinite! What are you doing here?! Where are you taking me?!

Infinite: [Evilly] I'm here to take you back where you belong.

Sprixie: [Scared] What are you talking about?!

Infinite: [Evilly] Well since you betrayed me and joined Team Forces, I'm taking you back to The Eggman Empire and you're never gonna see Team Forces again!

Sprixie: [Scared] No! Please! Don't do this to me! TAILS, KNUCKLES, VECTOR, ESPIO, CHARMY, SILVER, AMY, HEEEEEEELP!!!

Infinite jumped out the window and took Sprixie back to The Eggman Empire.

The next morning, Amy woke up and went into Sprixie's room to go wake her up.

Amy: Good morning, Sprixie! [Sees that Sprixie is nowhere to be seen] Sprixie? [Looks around the room, but doesn't find Sprixie] Sprixie! Where are you?! This isn't funny! Oh no! What if she got hurt or kidnapped?! I gotta go tell the others about this!

Amy ran downstairs and into the kitchen where the boys were already eating breakfast. The boys saw the scared expession on Amy's face.

Amy: [Panicking] Guys!

Silver: Amy? What's wrong?

Amy: [Panicking] It's Sprixie! She's... She's gone!

Knuckles: What do you mean she's gone?

Amy: [Panicking] I went to go wake her up, but when I went into her room, she was gone!

Suddenly, Bokkun flew into the kitchen.

Bokkun: [Laughs] Hi!

Tails: [Shocked] Bokkun! What are you doing here?!

Bokkun: Dr. Eggman and Infinite wanted me to send you a message!

Bokkun held up a TV and it showed Eggman on the screen.

Eggman: Greetings Team Forces. You're probably wondering where Sprixie is. Well, to give you the short story, Infinite came by your headquarters last night and took her away. If you ever wanna see Sprixie again, you're gonna have to come and get her yourself.

When the video ended, the TV gave a warning sign that it was about to explode.

Bokkun: Whoops! Looks like that's my cue to get out of here! Bye!

Bokkun flew out of the headquarters as the TV exploded. Team Forces coughed from the smoke as the TV exploded.

Vector: [Angry] Hey! You're gonna pay for doing that to us, you black flying alien looking troublemaker!

Amy: Calm down, Vector. Right now, Sprixie's our top priority! Who knows how much pain she must be going through! We have to go save her!

Espio: Amy's right. Come on, you guys, let's go save Sprixie!

Team Forces ran out of the headquarters and ran over to The Egg Fleet to go and save Sprixie.

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