Chapter 1

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I gulped as I looked down the long dark alley way.

It was the only option I had. I could here the angry drunken slurs coming closer. They were tired of chassing. I quickly turned into the alley way. Hopefully they hadn't seen me. I creeped futher into the alley way, trying to get as far away from the street lights as possible.

There were lots of doors and bins in the alley way. I think the doors led to some restaurants and apartments.

I got to about the middle and crouched down near some bins and waited.

Waited until I was positive the men were far, far away.

All of a sudden I heard a low whisper in my ear, 'What are you hidding from?' before he had finished the first word, I jumped away, crashing into the bins, sending them to the ground.

The men came running towards the alley way. I turned to look at the man behind me with complete shock on my face. I got up and ran for my life.

He followed.

I really didn't need any more people after me.

'Wait!' He yelled out. He caught up to me quick.

He reached out for my hand while running up behind me and for some reason, I didn't feel threatend by him. 'Trust me.'

He opened one of the doors and pulled me inside before quickly locking the door. It was completely black inside. The man stood by the door listening while I crouched low against a brick wall.

I could here the drunk men outside calling out for me in confusement.

'Come on ot pre lady.'

'Where ja go?'

'Well show ya a good time.'

Shivers went down my spine thinking of what their definition of a "good time" was.

I heard their footsteps that led them passed the door and out the alley way. The man switched a light on and helped me up.

As the light came on, I found out I was at the bottom of a narow stairway. At the top was a heavy wooden door.

Will had brown hair that was shaved on the sides and the back, but long at the top. He had warm brown eyes and a beautiful smile.

'Who were they?'

'I don't know. I walked past them in the street and they whistled. I just kept walking. After another 2 blocks I realised they were following me,' I explained.

'You gotta be careful. A pretty girl like you walking the streets at 2am on a Saturday usually gets a bit of unwanted company.'

'I know but unfortunatly this time, I didn't really have any where else to go.'

'Why's that?' I looked at his face and he looked concerened.

'Um, it's a long story,' I said, looking down at the ground.

'Well I've got time if you wanna come upstairs,' he offered. He led the way.

'My name's Chelsey by the way.'

'Nice to meet you Chelsey. I'm Will.'

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