Chapter 8

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~Chelsey's POV~

Will opened the door and let me inside. I took my shoes off and placed my bag on the floor next to the couch.

I saw Will's shadow tower over me and felt his arms around my waist. He hung his head over my shoulder and started kissing my neck softly. His ands slowly wrapped around me tighter and I placed mine on top of his and closed my eyes. The breath from his nose glided smoothly across my skin.



'Will you be my girlfriend?' I smile crossed my lips and I looked across at him. His eyes were still closed. When I didn't reply he opened them slowly and frowned. 'Well?'

'Only if you'll be my boyfriend,' I smiled back. His arms got tighter around me and he kissed me on the lips rather than on my neck. 

'It would be my pleasure.' 

~Wills POV~

I didn't realise I had been holding my breath while waiting for her reply until I let it out when she said yes. I hugged her tighter, pulling her closer as I kissed her lightly.

'It would be my pleasure,' I smiled back. She spun around so we were facing each other properly. She was so beautiful, those bright green eyes staring back into mine. I leaned down closer to her so that  our noses and for head met. 

My arms slowly loosened so that my hands were lightly on her back and I lent down further so our lips met. My eyes were closed but I could feel her hands on my jaw. She stood on her toes a bit so I didn't have to lean down as far. I pulled her in closer. I felt her nose lightly brush along my cheek. 

~Chelseys POV~

I woke up to see a pair of beautiful brown eyes staring back at me. 'Morning beautiful.' 

'Morning,' I replied in my rough, husky morning voice with a smile. He softly kissed my forhead. He had no top on but his pants were still on. I looked at the tattoo that covered his left shoulder. His shoulders were very broad and muscly. My hand stared tracing the ink. It wasn't a picture of anything and it was just black ink, no colours. It was like the ones you see those big strong looking moari's have printed up and down their arms. I was interested by it. 

I felt Wills arms flex and unflex over and over.  

'Did it hurt?

'Did what hurt?'

'Getting a tattoo?'

'Mmmm a bit, just while I was getting it done and when my mates slapped it hard to piss me off, but  it was definatly worth it.'

'Why did you get it? Like was just an impulsive thing or did you plan it or?'

'No I planned it,' he said looking down at it. 'I got it to show my culture I guess, to show people who I am,' he added.

I pecked his shoulder gently over and over, slowly making my way up to his neck. I felt his hand slide under my top a little bit so it was resting on the bare skin of my lower back. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and felt his arms close me in tighter. 

I couldn't help but fel safe in his arms.

It felt that like no matter what happened, everything was going to be ok, and for the first time since mum had left, I felt myself relaxe.

Nothing could destroy that, now that Will was here.


It had been a week since Will had asked me to be his girlfriend. That was so cute, sure I've had people ask to go out with me before, but to one has asked me to be their girlfriend. 

Tonight was our first proper date, if you don't count him coming to m shifts of work and walking home together.

He refuses to leave me alone at work. 'What and miss an opertunity to see a costumer yell in your face and watch you as you have to treat them as if they were the Queen or King and you were their servent?' I could always count on Will to laugh as an angry costumer insists that I give them their money back because one of their fries was to dark for thir liking, or complains about the prices going up 20 cents, or that their food doesn't look like it does in the pictures.

But I can also rely on him take care of me after a long shift. He insists that I lay down on the couch and not move as he runs around the house getting me this and that. I try to tell him I can do it on my own, but he insists. 

'Nope, it's alright I got it. You served enough people today, now it's your turn to be looked after.'

'Are you almost ready?' He called out from the living room.

'Hold ya horses,' i called back. I was just touching up the last bit of make up. I didn't put to much on, no bright colours. I mainly focus on the eyes with my make up. I just wear a bit of lip balm on my lips to stop them from cracking, but I wear liquid eyeliner on top and pencil on bottom. I have naturally long eyelashes so I only need a bit of mascara. And I'm done. I take one last look in the mirror to make sure everything was in place.

I had gone shopping the day before to chose something new to wear. I had chosen a blue skater dress with a high neck line. It had 3 shapes cut out of it to show a bit of clevage at the front and another two either side of the zipe on the lower back.

I grabbed my shoulder bag from the hook on the door and put it on. I looked in the mirror, gave my hair (which I had decided to leave it in it's natural curliness) a bit off a ruffle and walked into the next room.

I saw Will sitting on the couch watching a game of footy, waiting patiently. He must of heard my footsteps because he swung his head around to look at me. 

'Finally you're fin-.' He cut off mid sentence when he saw me. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

'Is that drool coming leaking out of your mouth?' I teased.

'Wow,' he finally managed to choke out. 'Chelsey, you look... wow.'

I felt my cheeks blush a little bit as I stood there as his eyes wandered up and down my body. He swiftly got up and walked over to me. He pecked me on the cheek. He seemed to have regathered himself. He grabbed his hand in mine and opened the door, gesturing for me to go first.

'Ladies first,' he bowed.

'Why thank you,' I said in a snobby voice, my nose high in the air. Will shut the door behind us and we walked down the steps hand in hand.


Authors Note-

Sorry it's taken so long for an update! But as I got my laptop back I was finally able to keep on writing my other Fan Fiction "Sorry" and had to put this on hold. Sorry guys :/ 

I'm trying to write them both at once, I am! but it's hard.

Leave a comment below of what ya think :D

How do you think their first date will go? :D

See ya soon xoxo <3

Moo <3 

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