chapter four

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"Are you dead?" The rainbow lion with two heads asked.

Wait what?

I snapped my eyes open to find Daisy's face one inch from mine.

She screamed like a little girl in shock and covered her heart with her hand. "Oh my god. You scared the shit out of me."

I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "That's what you get for putting your face so close to mine."

Daisy pulled the blanket off of me and I winced at the sudden cold. "Come on, we're gonna be late to the game. Go get ready!"

I groaned and pulled the blanket back over my body, "Five more minutes," I mumbled.

"Nope!" she said, pulling the blanket back off me again. Excitedly, she clasped her hands together and grinned like she's had the best idea in the world. "What if I did your makeup for tonight! You can impress Lucas," Daisy said suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows.

I sent her a weird look, "Why would I want to impress Lucas?"

"Well its obvious that he's into you, so may as well go for it! Can't hurt to get some experience under your belt," she suggested.

"Yeah true, but I don't know if I'm really interested in Lucas," I pointed out.

"Can't hurt to see if there's anything there," Daisy threw out there.

I hummed in response and contemplated her suggestion. Lucas is cute and all, but I don't really see us together. 

"Okay, you can do my makeup," I said while getting out of bed. "But not so I can impress anyone, just for fun," I added.

Daisy nodded excitedly and dragged me over to the mirror.

Twenty minutes later I was wearing mascara to complement my hazel eyes, blush to redden my plain cheeks, and whatever else Daisy applied while I wasn't paying attention.

I have a love hate relationship with the fact that the parties are always right after the football games. My makeup always rubs off and I have to wear a cute outfit under my jacket instead of just sweats.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading to school with Daisy. I really like my outfit today. I'm wearing light blue mom jeans with a strapless black corset top. I threw on my school jacket and gestured to Daisy that I was ready to go.

We pulled up to the parking lot and realize we're late when we hear the announcer's voice over the speaker.

"Fuck, there won't be any good seats left," Daisy and I muttered simultaneously. We instantly looked at each other and broke into a laugh.

Daisy grabbed me by the hand and we headed for the stands. I gave a little wave to Hannah and Ellie who were cheerleading on the sidelines. 

We found a few empty seats next to some girls in our math class and got ready for the next two and a half hours.

I spaced out for most of the game, but perked up a few times like when Daisy brought us nachos or our team scored a touchdown. The game only had a few minutes left, and we're tied 21-21.

Everybody on the bleachers was on the edge of their seats as we waited to see how the final play would unfold. We watched silently as one of our players was running to the end zone, praying he won't get tackled. 

20 yards.

15 yards.

10 yards.

5 yards.


Everyone in the bleachers jumped up with a triumphant scream. I couldn't help but join in the adrenaline of the crowd, cheering and hugging Daisy. 

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