the oldddfdd times

10 0 0

Nezu - Nezu
All Might - All Mighty Mall/Papi All Might
Shouta - Sleepyhead
Hizashi - Presentation Microscope
Nemuri - Midnight
Mt lady - Minecraft
(Me)Admin - Admin/Clak
Decky - Decky/Deck
-LdShadowLady - slorp
YallMight666 - axel/ankel
-Beautifully_Blind- - Claude/clef
Best Jeanist - Slendyboi
Miruko - Miruko
Kamuri Woods - Land
Hawks: Air
Fat Gum - Gummy
Ms Joke - marry me
Edgeshot - Headshot
Gang Orca - Water
Endeavor - Fire
Michael Jackson - HeeHee

Clak is online

Clak: my head hurts

Mic: oh no

Mic: wait what are you doing up at 4:16am?

Clak: .... Totally wasn't playing Minecraft

Ankle: I thought I told you to play until 1- or before 1 😭

Clak: I'm sorry ankel 😂

Clak: oops- wrong emoji- I wanted to also out the crying one

Ankle: smh

Claude: Roger Taylor swift

Clak: yef

Slurrp: yes

Ankle: .

Clef: 🕴️

Clak: Michael Jackson

Ankle: I'm bad as HeeHee man

Slurrp: @HeeHee hey, did we ever get married?

HeeHee: n0

Slurrp: you wanna get married?

HeeHee: yes

Clak: I'm going bed 🖐️🙄

Slurrp: bye clak 🙄

Clak: bye skirp 😒

Ankle: shAwtY goT tHem

Clef: shiggy

Slurrp: I remember when I was toga

Clef: and I was Aizawa! Or was I mic?

Ankle: I feel like we've had this conversation already, yallmight.

All Mighty Mall is online

All Mighty Mall: good morning, or night. Maybe day?


Clak: my child looks funny

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Clak: my child looks funny

Slurrp: he looks ugly /j

Clak: ikr 🙄🖐️

Midnight: omg I'm back. Finally

Slurrp: hi

Midnight: hey😉

Slurrp: OoH- are you flirting with me midnight? 😩

Ankle: uh

Clef: oM-

Miruko: eyA

Ankle: I always thought this was just for them

Slurrp: why are we here again?

Nezu: as I was saying in the beginning. I think having group chats for the classes are good, if you think they're bad.. please let me know as soon as possible. - Nezu

Midnight: sir- why did you-

Clak: he be Brian May

Aizawa: I'm going back to sleep

Mic: I'm going back to doing whatever I was doing

Aizawa: take me with you. Please, Mic. Don't leave me in a room full of children

Mic: ok 🥴

Midnight: I'm going hang out with joke now 😎

Mic: have fun

Aizawa: yeah, bye.


slorp: what

Clack: yes.

Ankle: no

Slorp: nes

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