I wouldn't mine

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Keep in mind I was feeling sad and lonley at 3:24am when I started writing this on a Tuesday of November... Alright anyways on with this book

Nezu - Nezu
All Might - Toshi
Shouta - Sleepyhead
Hizashi - Microwave
Nemuri - Midnight
Recovery Girl - Mom
Gran Torino - Dad
Me - Admin is sus
(Forgot user) - Decky
OhScrewMeUp - Awwo
FroppyRIBBIT - Child
sugar_honeybean - moony/minx
Tinfoilhat - Tin is sus
Xeka - Xeka def the imposter/(or just Xeka)
YallMight666 (R.I.P) - Axel is ded
-Beautifully_Blind- - Cleede
Brian May - Brian
Roger Taylor - Roger

William Afton - afton
Gordon Ramsay - snack
Kamuri Woods - Tree
Willy Wonka - Ww
Hawks: Nugget

Admin: Hey Axel....

Axel: yeah?

Admin: Forever is a long time...

Axel: Ik

Admin: ....But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side (at this point I'm having a panick attack while writing)

Axel: are u ok?

Admin: Axel I'm scared

Axel: scared of what?

Admin: nothing to know about


Admin: Oh Look. it's C L EEEEhde

Axel: Cleede

Claude: I just found out I was cheated on

Axel: :0

Admin:.. with who?

Claude: with themselves 😔

Admin: rip

Axel: 👁️👄👁️

Admin: y'all.. I'm out.. like.. literally.. out

Axel: good out? Or bad?

Admin has left the server

Axel: oh-

Cleede: oh no

Moony: 👁️👄👁️ sameeee

Moony left the server

Private dms:

Axel: you ok?

Admin: nu

Axel: is there anything I could do to make you feel better?

Admin: no

Axel: oh-

Admin: imma go now... See ya...

Axel:... Ok.. bye


Claude: I got slorp back!!

Moony: hhhhheeeeee-heeeeeee

Decky: what's uppppp!!! I'm back from gordon's house UwU

Moony: kool!

Decky: yesh, were married now!!
So what have I missed?

Axel: I dunno, Chaos?

Decky: oop-
Where's admin?

Axel: I dunno taking a brake I guess

Claude: yea-

Moony: 😔🕊️🙏

Decky: I-

Moony: Claude cheated on me with someone else

Claude: no I didn't.
I promise! I never cheated.

Moony: likely story

Decky: um

Moony: 😔😔😔😔😔😔

Axel: you guys are sad

Moony: yeah...

That's it for now cuz I can't think of anything

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