"You're Lucky We Found You."

74 3 15

-sad thoughts
- words about death
(if it's happening to you, I'm here if you need to talk. Good luck <3)


It has been a long time since I've felt so relaxed. So calm. As if I just came back from a nightmare, from which I was imprisoned for far too many years before finally breaking the chains, to wake up alongside my family, my clan, happy.

"-Is he awake?"
-He's still under anaesthetic, but it won't be long."

This moment of resting was however too short, I might have guessed before. I forced myself to half-open the eyelids, blinded by the light. I could see nothing but pastel green walls, yet the smell was always the same. Latex, mainly.
As for the noise, only small whispers and a machine with a repetitive and infernal sound came to my ears like a hammer that was pounding against my eardrums. A hospital. Fuck.

When all my senses finally got used to the room, I tried to straighten my upper body, only a few centimetres before falling heavily on the pillow. I had put all my strength into it, but that was what I lacked. And time, too. I had a click, and in a heartbeat, coming back to the dark room with my family was all that mattered to me. I leaned on my elbows, counting with a muffled voice to give me motivation. My head was the first to rise, followed by my chest. While I thought I had finally arrived at the second stage to get out of here, a hand came leaning on my abdomen, ruining all the efforts I had made.

Yet, despite this failure, I could not control a little laugh - broken and nervous to be honest - in front of whom I saw. I swallowed my saliva loudly to help myself saying at least one word, even if it's not the most constructive.

"- Leo..."

The rest did not go out, my throat already no longer bearing the little solicitation that I had asked it. Shit, even this thing lets me down.
As if to dissuade me from doing it again, the man in blouse in front of me nodded negatively.

"- Talking will only cause you even more problems."

His voice had not changed so much. Despite the years without hearing it, it was as if it were there every day. Like it has always been here. He sighed, looking for something on his desk before handing me a plastic slate followed by a little blue marker, to finally put it on my knees.

"- You need to sleep."

He turned to the door, silently telling the doctors present to leave. Since when was I there? Was it a simple dream?
Was I hoping to wake up, again, around all these jars? Maybe. Maybe that was all I wanted. I had to go.

"I advise you to. He announced as if he were reading my thoughts. Because in a brief time, two rockets will be there. I told them you still had to get some rest, but you know them..."

Gon. Killua. No. I didn't know them anymore. From what I heard, they had stayed the same as the first time I saw them, at the Hunter exam. I wasn't the only one who had changed... was I?
Without a word, I pointed to the little whiteboard. My chain not being present, I had the impression of a defect. As if I missed an arm or a leg. Metal had now become a part of my body, and without it I was lost. I still took a confident look, to not worry him even more.

He nodded, giving the objects right in my hands, and then slowly lifted the back of my bed to straighten me up.
But now that I had the slate and felt the marker trembling in my hand, the words were gone.

"Mister Leorio."

That was all I had found to write. I was staring at his face, trying to find clues as to what he was thinking. He didn't have that narcissistic, stupid look that I knew. He was professional. Seriously. His arms were crossed, and he sat half-way on his desk.

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