«I didn't know you were so sentimental.»

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Today, and for five days now, Leolio decides not to call his "friend". It was a kind of resolution, mainly because of the excessive cost of the phone bill. But being ignored all the time was a waste of time.

He sat at his desk, filling out, as usual, a dozen forms, representing each patient who had passed through his office. The day had been difficult. Every minute seemed hours, and the hours, years. The effect of the storm had a soporific effect on the doctor that could be useful at certain times. His only desire was to snuggle up in his blanket. To fall asleep to the sound of rain on the window. To fall into the arms of Morpheus without worrying, welcoming him peacefully.

But the vibration of his phone lifted him from his daydream, to his greatest plight. He checked the time, then sighed, noticing that it was almost 10 o'clock. Who would call him now? He took a deep breath and pick up.

'Good evening, here Dr Paladiknight. I am sorry, but it is a little too late for an immediate examination. Do you want to make an appointment?' he said, keeping a confident voice, accustomed to this kind of situation.

But the person answered nothing. Leolio then assumed that it was a simple hoax and was about to hang up when he heard jerky breaths coming from behind his screen. The doctor was about to tell him what to do while going to the hospital, but the individual was faster.

'An ap... An appointment ... At the name of Kurta.'

That voice. That name. Leorio was breathless, his heartbeat speeding up considerably. Him. Without news for three years, it was his turn to call him, his voice wavering. He had to see him. To hell his resolution.

'Where are you?' he yelled, losing his professional voice, causing the startle of his kitten, lounging on the couch.

'I just wanted to say good-bye. ' the other one replied, in a monotonous voice. 'I don’t know if seeing me would be good for you.'

'I don’t care! And why a good-bye, by the way? I think you owe me answers, that’s the least to do.'

There was a great silence. Leolio even thought that the boy with the scarlet eyes had hung up, and he would not even be surprised. But no, the numbers continued to scroll on his screen, below the photo of Kurapika, where he slept deeply.

'Kura?' he called, with a much softer voice.

Yet someone knocked on his door, with so much discretion that he might not have heard them. Despite this, he was on the lookout.
The medical man got up in haste, dropped his notebook on the ground and crossed the room with wide strides. He turned the key several times in the lock, failing almost all his attempts, his shaking hands not holding in place.

He finally opened the last barrier that had separated him from a face that visually cling on the floor, blond hair in a mess, suit completely soaked. His head rose, his eyes gray, cold, meeting the doctor's brown-coloured, warm.

And these irises represented the person well, because without waiting Leorio pulled the other one inside. He grabbed a blanket on his couch before putting it on his shoulders. His old comrade did not move, his eyelids folded, his breathing stable again. While the oldest one was rushing from one end of the room to the other, the Kurta seized him by grabbing his sleeve, stopping him without much effort.

'I just wanted to say good-bye. After that, I’m leaving. He explained, not letting go.

'You have nothing to say goodbye for. " exclaimed the tallest one, freeing himself from the hold.

"Of course, always so stubborn," thought Kurapika, his fists clenched, trying hard to not to send them into the face of Leorio. Fortunately, he promised to remain calm. At least for his last day.

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