Fast Times at Clairemont High- Chapter 1

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Today was my first day of high school in San Diego. I had just moved here from London, England. This time change was killing me, I was already late as it was. I ran a brush through my bright pink hair and then straightened it. I then adjusted my piercings. I had my septum pierced and spiderbites on my lip.

I quickly pulled on my black skinny jeans and my Chelsea Grin shirt and ran out to the car, putting my vans on as I ran.

The heat in San Diego was ridiculous, nothing like London’s weather. I wasn’t really nervous of starting in a whole new school, I didn’t have a lot of friends back home either.  But Im not outgoing or anything like that but im not shy either.

When I reached the school I pulled into a spot contemplating if I really wanted to do this. My older brother offered to let me be online schooled but I figured new school, new start, new friends. Right?  I finally built myself up to walk into the school. I felt everyones eyes on me, I could tell there were a lot of cliques here. It was going to be tough being the “new girl.”

I went to the office and got my schedule. My first class was English. Sadly, I hated English. I scanned the rooms looking for my class but there weren’t any numbers or teachers names on the door. I saw a group of people standing around a locker and decided to ask them for help.

“Hey, Im new here.. Do you guys know where this class is?” I said handing the shorter guy my schedule.

He studied it, then me, then my schedule again. “It’s right over here. I actually have this class right now.” He laughed

“Oh cool man. My name’s Keeley by the way.”  I said awkwardly.

“Sweet, Im Vic, this is Jaime, Tony, Brittany and Sophie.” He said making hand gestures to them all. I could tell he was really energetic and jumpy.

“Ohhh, don’t look now, But here come’s Michael.” The Brittany girl laughed. “Stay away from him, he smokes weed.”

How judgmental. Im sure he wasn’t that bad.  

“Well, Im not a big fan of drama. So im gonna go to class now. Thanks for letting me know where it is.”  I said and started to walk off. Vic followed me.

“Sorry for Brittany’s snobbiness.” He said catching up beside me.

“It’s cool.” I said taking a seat.

The Michael guy was in my class, he had longer hair black hair, and he was wearing a button up plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I needed to know more about him, Something inside me was telling me to get to know him.

“Ahh, you must be Miss Keeley.” Mr Bustan said looking at me.

“Yes I am.” Catching myself from starting at Michael.

Mr. Bustan talked to us about what we were doing, I was bored. So I pulled out my journal and started doodling down song lyrics that I liked.

A slip of paper came my way, I looked around to see who passed it to me, then I saw Vic smiling looking up at the board. I pulled it open and read the messy handwriting.

How do you like San Diego so far?

 I replied saying: Honestly, this is the first place I’ve seen. I mean, the schools nice.  I laughed and slid it his way.

Well, we’ll have to hangout sometime then –Vic

I guess so, those girls wont be coming, right? –Keeley

He laughed when he read it. No, Im not a big fan of them, especially since they talk about my brother like they do. –Vic.

Who’s your brother? –Keeley

Michael… -Vic

Holy shit. I had the hots for Vics brother. Dude, your brother interests me so much. -Keeley

Yeah, most people don’t like him because he smokes, but really, he’s a nice guy once you get to know him. –Vic

Im gonna try and talk to him. –Keeley.

You can try, he’s really quiet around people he doesn’t know. –Vic

I didn’t reply. I scooted over to where Michael was, Mr. Bustan was finished talking and we had free time. He was slouching in his seat not really paying attention to anything. I saw him glance at me out of the corner of his eye, Shit if he was as bad as everyone says we can be like that together. I just want to befriend him…

Fast Times at Clairemont High [Mike Fuentes Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang