Chapter 13

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Keeley wasn’t feeling good, of course. The day we were leaving for tour. She hadn’t even got out of bed yet, nor had anything packed. 

The other guys were already outside waiting for me to load our stuff up, I walked down and threw it in the bus. 

“Thats everything!” Jaime yelled and slammed the door shut. “You got everything?” He asked walking into the living room. 

I nodded, I wasn’t sure. This was my first time doing all of this, but I was pretty sure I had everything, besides Keeley. I’m sure I forgot something though. 

I went upstairs and kissed Keeley goodbye. “I love you, feel better so youcan come out and sing with us.” 

She smiled. “Im trying my best Mike, you know I wanna be there.” 

I kissed her one more time and went downstairs. “Mom, take care of my Keeley please.” I said and kissed my mom’s cheek.

She winked. “We’ll have her out there in no time. Take care of your brother.” She laughed. 

“Let’s do this!” Vic yelled running onto the bus and shutting the door behind him. 

I sat down by myself. My eyes looked over to Tony who was smiling while texting his girlfriend Stephanie. “Guys, we need to go back for a minute, hold on.” I said and pulled out my phone.

“Babe, you’re coming whether you like it or not, Throw some stuff in a bag.” 

She sighed. “Mike. Im sick.”

“Yes, and I have a 4 hour bus ride to take care of you, what’s your point?”

I was in the house now and ran up to the room. Keeley was still laying in bed. I moaned. “I guess I’ll have to do this myself then.” I said throwing a bunch of her clothes into a suitcase. “Oh, these are cute.” I laughed throwing a pair of her panties into the bag. 

She blushed and got up to fix her hair. 

“All done!” I said and picked up the bag. “Stay here, I’ll come get you lazy ass.” 

She smiled and sat on the bed. She had completely changed her outfit while I was outside. I walked in and picked her up over my shoulder. She was laughing the entire way outside. 

I walked on the bus with her and the guys peered at me. “She’s coming, shut your mouths.” 

“KEEL!” Vic said running up to her “I missed you! I havent seen you since, the other day.” He laughed. 

“I’ll puke on you Fuentes.” She said holding her stomach. 

“And now I’m backing away…” Vic said and went to sit by Jaime. 

“That’s right” She laughed and laid back down on my lap.

“Let’s go watch some movies!” Vic chanted going back to the lounge. 

“If we don’t watch Coraline first I’ll kick you all in your dicks.” Keeley said and sat down. 

“I agree!” Vic emerges in.

“UH, Im sorry babe, but Harry Potter wins.” I laughed. 

“YOU’RE ALL WRONG, I CALL STAR WARS, OKAY.”  Tony yelled putting it in the player. 

I wrapped my arms around Keeley and she cuddled up into my side. “They’re dumb babe.” She whispered. 

I laughed. “You started it with Coraline babe.” 

“Yeah. Whatever!” She giggled and fell asleep uninterested in the movie.

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