Chapter 15

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The first show was a huge success, people were even singing along with us. I hurried back stage to change into something more, moshable.

“Excuse me!” I yelled pushing through everyone.

“Jeez, Is someone in a hurry?” I heard someone ask.

I turned around and saw it was Austin.. “I- uh, Yes.” I spat out He could tell I was nervous.

“Calm down shorty!” He laughed and put his arm around me.. “Mike told me you have a story to tell me?”

I laughed to myself that Mike had actually told him. “I mean, only if you want to hear it.”

“Of course I do! Let’s sit down and talk! I have 10 minutes before I go on anyways!”

I nodded and followed him to the nearest room and shut the door, I didn’t need anyone else seeing me crying my eyes out. Mike and Austin were enough..

I took a deep breath in and got ready to tell him, Mike said I was a big girl. I can do this. “Okay, so I just wanted to let you know how much your music, and the band mean to me. When my mom died when I was in 10th grade, my dad pretty much up and left my brother and I. I had alot of time to myself that I had fallen into self harm and had actually tried to commit suicide a few time.s. But when I found your guys’ song Second and Sebring everything got brighter. I realized my mom was looking down at me, smiling hopefully. I just want to make her proud. And Im very grateful for your music.” I had teared up again while telling him, only this time he brushed the tears away.

“I’m so happy you found our music Keeley, And im really happy you’re still here with us.” He smiled and hugged me. “Shit, I wish I could talk more but I have to hit the stage, I’ll see you in the pits, right?” He winked.

“Duh! Of course!” I laughed and hugged him one more time before running into the crowd. I found Mike sitting in the lounge room with the rest of the band and the members of Mayday Parade. “Babe, I’m going out to the crowd. I love you.” I said and walked toward him to kiss him.

“Okay, Please me careful Keeley, I love you too.”

When I entered the crowd a few people noticed me but they were pretty chill about it. Of Mice & Men entered the stage, hyped up. I pushed my way through all of the fangirls, finally reaching the barricade.

“WOOOOOO.” I screamed as they started to play O.G Loko.

Mosh pits were starting already, I ran straight into one and started going. Bouncing off of sweaty girls and guys, throwing my arms all over the place, I was at home.

Austin stopped singing while Tino, Phil, Alan and Shay kept playing. “I WANT YOU ALL TO SPLIT THIS ROOM IN HALF. “ He yelled into the mic. “Farther. Farther. I WONT SING ANOTHER NOTE UNTIL YOU GO FARTHER.”

Finally the whole room was split in half, ready to charge at one another. The beat kicked in. “I go hard in the motherfuckin’ paint nigga!”

Then we all collided, People bashing into other people. The whole thing.

They were about to play Second and Sebring as their last song of the night. I felt my eyes tear up.

“Excuse me guys, can I have Keeley come up to the stage.” Austin called into the mic.

My heart sank as I walked up the stairs of the stage, the crowd cheered as I went on. Austin handed me Shays mic and I got up there. “Keel, you’re going to help me sing this okay!”

I smiled and nodded. “Im down!”

We took turns with the lines through out the song, I had never felt so happy before.. When the song ended Austin and I were in tears together, it was quite amazing, being this was the first night of tour. As we walked back stage Austin and Alan walked with me. “Do you think I can take Shays place in that song every night?” I asked cautiously.

“I don’t see why not.” He smiled “Shay! Can Keeley take your place in Second and Sebring.?!”

“HELL YEAH.” He yelled. “Her voice is SICK.”

I Blushed. “Thank you Shay.”

“Anytime dear.”

I ran into the room where Mike was and saw him sucking face with some girl. “Eh, hem..” I said holding back tears.

“Shit.. Keeley...” He said pulling away. The girl was Kailey. FUCKING KAILEY.

“Don’t ‘Shit Keeley.’ me, go back to sucking face with that tramp. Toodles Michael. I hope she’s worth it.” I said and stormed out of the room. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t even want to hear his reasoning.

“You guys mind if I stay in your guys’ bus?” I asked as I walked into Austin and Alan. “If Im bothering you guys you can say no...” I laughed.

“We don’t mind Keeley, you’re gonna have to bunk with one of us though.” Austin laughed.

Alan was always my favorite, but I looked up to Austin as well. “Can I switch off between You and Alan?” I laughed.

“You just want to cuddle with a ginger princess.” Alan laughed.

“Whatever.” I said and pushed him.

“What happened on your bus?” Austin asked curiously taking a drink of water and wiping the sweat off still..

“Oh.. Um.. Mike cheated on me.. with our keyboardist.”

Their jaws dropped. “NO.”

“Oh yeah.”

“We’re sorry Keel! Want us to kick his ass?!”

I laughed. “No, He needs to learn his lesson the hard way, and that’s by me ignoring him.”

“If you insist, Let’s go to the bus!” Alan said and dragged me to the bus.


“Im sorry Mike.” Kailey said patting my leg.

“Don’t fucking touch me. Im going to the bus, bye.” I said and pushed them all away from me.

Kailey came onto me, she pressed her mouth, on mine, first. It wasn’t my choice to suck her face.

I knew I wasn’t going to hear from her for awhile, and I wasn’t going to push it either. She’d come around, hopefully.

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