chapter 4

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Ok in this chapter Niall is through to the judge's houses and is now in a group called One Direction.

Hope this is going to be a good chapter

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Love Coco XXX

It's been 2 months since Niall left me. It's Saturday 12th of July. One Direction are going to be preforming there first live show tonight and I am so excited. Over the last 2 months I have been thinking about Niall way too much and how much I miss him and love him.

Today is also my graduation day.

"Chloe you need to get up and get ready it a big day today" Katie shouted from down stairs. She stayed with me last night because she knows Niall will not be at my graduation so she said she would come instead

"Ok Katie I'm getting up" I grumble back to her. Although I was free from hell also known as school I knew Niall not here with me.

I jump out of bed getting into a quick shower quickly washing my hair. Once I got out I dry my hair then put it up into a pony tail the curling it. After I have done my hair I put some light makeup on then I slip into a summer dress.

I rush down stair to see Katie has made me blueberry pancakes. I eat them very quickly.

"Come on were are going to be late" Katie said running round like a headless chicken

"Ok I'm ready let's go" I said slipping into my kitten heels and pickup my purse. Locking the door behind me and hopping into Katie car. I was turning 17 on the 20th of September; I was just a little younger than Niall.

When we get to the school I see someone I do not expect...

Hey guys

This chapter short and sucks. Leave in the comments how you think it is. (Hint it not Niall) next chapter tomorrow or Monday!

Love Coco XXX

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