chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chloe P.O.V

I sat there and cried and cried. How can he not remember me it really had not been that long. Had it? I don't even know what time it is now but all I know is that my heart is broken into a million pieces. I snap out of my own thoughts when I hear someone knock on my door.

"Hold on two seconds" I say jumping up and drying all the tears from my face. I look like a state. I open my door to see Louis at my door. What was he doing here? "Hi Louis isn't it."

"Yeah Chloe right." He said back

"Yep" I said popping the p "what are you doing here. Oh and before I forget Katie said I love you"

"Tell her I love her too. Oh what did I come over for now." He said "oh that was it sorry about the noise this morning and Niall really want you to come over." What there is no way I am going to see him especially not looking like this. "Um so is that a yes or a no"

"Um... maybe later if I have time." No I really don't want to see him.

"Ok I will tell him our room number is 500. Just the next room on your right" Louis said walking away from the door.

I shut the door very quickly, running into the bathroom and turning on the shower. I take 5 minutes in the shower. I shove on some black skinny jeans a colourful patterned crop top with my leather jacket a silver bracelet some pick lipstick then some black open toe wedges to top it off. I grab my suit case shoving everything in there. I quickly grab my cute pink handbag and my phone with my suit case. I made my way down to the reception and checked out of my room even though I have 2 days left till I go back to Ireland I did not want to spend one more day knowing that Niall was less than 10 meters away.

I'm still planning on staying in London till I get back because it a great place to shop. I find the nearest holiday inn and settle myself down.

Niall P.O.V

"Louis did she say she was coming" I yell at Louis as the door open

"Niall we all love your accent but please don't shout" Liam says

"Sorry but is she coming" I said to Louis as he walks into the living room.

"Yes shell be her in an hour ok."

"Yes yes yes, thank you" I said jumping on him and bundling him on the floor.

"Guys, cant breath, get him of me" Louis says gasping for air. Harry, Zayn and Liam get me of him and I go to my room all I had to do was wait an hour before I could see my best friend in the whole entire world. Surly it wasn't going to be that hard to wait for her.


"how long left know it can't be this long now can it" I complained into Liam's ear.

"She not going to be here for another 30 minutes" he said pushing my head away from his face.

"Ugh it's taking forever"


"Ok she 30 minutes later this is not normal she always early I am the one who is always late." I yell at Louis

"right just calm I don't think anything has go wrong let just go down to reception and she if they know where she is." Louis said. We have already tried knocking on her door but we got no answer.

I run down to the reception. "Where is the girl from room 501 gone?"

"I sorry Sir but I am not allowed to tell you that information" the women behind the desk told me.

"Please I need to know she my best friend and she said she was going to meet me 30 minutes ago." I said pleading

"Oh fine. She checked out just over an hour and a half ago."

"Thanks do you know where she went"

"No I don't sorry. I hope you find your friend soon."

"Thank you. Bye" I said making my way back up to my room. When I she leave? What have I done wrong? Where has she gone? I love her. Wait what did I just said I love her. I did OMG i love Chloe.

Hey guys

This is a pretty bad chapter but oh well. Hope you like comment and vote


Coco XXX

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