chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ok so it's been a year since I bumped into Niall in London. I'm 18 know I finished collage and know I am moving to London with Katie and Gemma, we brought a small house for us to live in. me and Gemma became friend in collage and found out that we both want to do the same thing which is singing and acting. She says that we should audition for the X Factor but I don't know maybe we should. Katie and Louis are still going strong ever thought they don't see each other that much. The house that we brought is not huge but it big enough for the 3 of us.

As I walk into the kitchen I see Gemma typing away on her laptop. Then she suddenly stops and looks up at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask her knowing that she is up to no good

"Well first of good evening to you to and second get ready cause we are audition for the X Factor is in 2 weeks" she said giving me an evil smirk


"We are auditioning for the X Factor"

"What song are we going to sing?"

"Ok I thought you were going to be mad at me for doing this but I think we should sing a One Direction song" ugh Gemma loves One Direction so much. Me not so much. Harry was rude to me when I first meet him ad Niall did not even remember me. O can you blame me for being pretty pissed at them.

"No we are not singing One Direction" I shout

"Someone got there nickers in a twist. Why don't you like them? There all so fit and handsome. Niall looks the best I would do him anytime." I make a gaging noise as she said that.

"Hold on a sec well I go throw up and serious please don't talk about screwing my EX best-friend." I said try not to be sick.

"No promise" she said walking out of the kitchen

Although I hate Niall and Harry I don't hate the other guys I don't know their names but oh well it does not really matter because I won't ever see them. I look up at the clock to see it was 6:30. Me, Katie and Gemma work in a night club.

"Chloe, Gemma hurry up and get ready for work or we are going too late." Katie shouts from the living room

"Ok" me and gem yell at the same time. I run up stairs putting on my uniform which is a black dress that sit about mid-thigh and some black high heels. It stupid me and Gem have to wear dresses and Katie has to wear black trousers and a white shirt. Maybe it because me and Gemma are younger and attracted the men more. I walk down the stairs to see Katie and Gemma waiting for me.


"Chloe, Gemma you're on the bar tonight and Katie you on cleaning up the glasses from the table ok" Ben are manager said

"Yes Ben" we all said in sink

"Oh and tonight we have very special party happening so be on your best behaviour" seriously how old does he think we are.

It pretty quit in the club since this big party happening Ben told me it was going to start at 8 so only 10 more minutes till it begins how fun.

10 painful minutes past and I were serving up drinks quickly.

"5 shots please" the next person says I don't bother to look up I just poor the drinks and hand them to the person in front of me.

Someone asked me to make them drinks then bring them to the booth they were in. I did not object cause I don't want to get in trouble Ben. They ordered 5 shots and 5 beers. It was a random combination but how was I to complain. I carefully made my way through the very drunk making my way to the table trying not to drop the tray. I made my way to the table but nobody was there so I placed all the drink onto the table and headed back to the bar. A soon as I turned around someone bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" I said very quickly

"Chloe what are you doing here" he said I look up and see someone I did not expect to see.

"Louis. I could ask you the same thing. I work here by the way and Katie work here as well."

"We rented the place for the evening so we could have a party and really you both work here. Katie never told me. Anyway I should go find the other boys and look for Katie." He said stumbling back into the crowd well that was weird why would Kate not tell Louis where she worked.

Oh no that means Niall and Harry are in the same building as me.

"You ok Chloe" Gemma asked me as I got back to the bar

"Yeah" no. no I was not fine

"Ok what the time?"

"Um it 11:30 we close in 30 minutes" I don't know why we close so early but I kind of like it.

"Hel...hello beautiful" someone slurred leaning against the counter. I don't really pay attention to who it is. I was too busy thinking about Niall all my memorise of are child hood was coming back to me. I tried my best to forget about him completely. I walked away from them.

"Chloe freaking Phillips do you know who just called you beautiful" Gemma screams into my face.

"No why would I care. Who was it I wasn't paying attention."

"Who was it? Who was it." She said getting angrier by the minute "IT WAS HARRY FEAKING EDWARD STYLES" she yells really loudly making everybody stop and look at us

"Gemma shut up people are staring."

"Sorry" she whispers

Finally we close the club and w head back home and I go straight to bed

Hey guys

I have updated finally.

On the side is a pictures of Chloe's work clothe and a cute pic of Niall.

Love Coco XXX

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