Part 5- Let's Pack

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They got to Peter's apartment and he went inside, leaving Sage in the car. He lived several floors up and Aunt May didn't work on Saturdays. When he got inside, she was reading a book on the couch. She looked up at the sound of the door, "Hi, sweetie."

"Hey Aunt May."

"How was your study date?" Aunt May said, closing the book.

Peter went straight to his room, "I, well, I think it went okay, course she did end up crying."

"What?" Aunt May said. She stood up and went to stand in his doorway.

"May, I have to go." Peter said as he started to shove clothes into an overnight bag.

"Go where?"

"This girl, Sage? I think she's Mr. Stark's daughter." Aunt May tried to hide her surprise. "She needs my help, she wants to go see her dad but no one will let her."

"Honey, did you stop to think why no one will let her? If Mr. Stark doesn't want to see his daughter then why should you force him to?"

"That's the thing May, I don't think it's his choice. I have to help her, I'll be back for school on Monday I promise." He zipped his bag and kissed her on the cheek as he left.


When he got back to the car, Sage drove them to her apartment. They got there in a total of twenty minutes. She invited Peter inside and went to her room to pack while Peter waited awkwardly in the living room. She finished packing for both her and her dog before meeting Peter in the living room. "Are you actually going to do this? Go on a roadtrip with a total stranger?" Sage asked.

"Absolutely," he said. "And you're not a total stranger." She gave him a strange look and he felt the need to further his answer. "You are Sage Bradford, you are my lab partner, you like music and you like to doodle, you have a very large intimidating Doberman named King who is nowhere near as intimidating as you." Sage tried to hide her smile. Then Peter added, "You're not actually in witness protection though right?"

She burst out laughing, "What? No, well, I guess not technically."

"That's," he paused. "Comforting?"

Sage laughed again, "Come on Parker."

She left her adoptive mother a note on the kitchen counter telling her that she was going on a roadtrip with a friend. King seemed excited for the trip as they carried the bags to the car. This was the beginning of something strange. 

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