Part 12- Dad

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Peter took an involuntary step back and stared at her, "What?"

She patted his shoulder and turned around. That was when she pulled out her phone and called someone. "Happy?" she said, "Peter Parker is in the lobby. I need you to escort him." Then she hung up.

"Escort me where?" Peter called.

Pepper put an arm around Sage and ignored Peter, "Let's go see your father."

Sage didn't move. "I'm not going anywhere without Peter."

Pepper looked slightly disappointed but agreed to let him come along. He ran up to Sage and she took his hand. The two weren't sure what was happening but refused to be separated, after all, they'd already come this far together.


When they got to Mr. Stark's floor, everyone got off the elevator to find Happy Hogan waiting for them. He was a little shocked that Pepper had arrived with Peter but he didn't question anything. His eyes lingered on Sage's face for a minute, she looked oddly familiar to him. Still, he stepped aside and let them into the room where Tony was sitting with his back to the door.

Sage didn't wait for her mom this time, instead she called out to her dad. "Tony? I mean-"

She didn't have to finish the sentence, he turned around so fast that he nearly fell off the bed. Thankfully he caught himself and stood up. His arm was in a sling and he had stitches lacing his arm. His eyes were wide, "You, Sage, what are you doing here?"

"I was worried about you, dad." This time the words came easy.

He stumbled forward but Sage caught him, "I can't believe you're here."

He wrapped his arms around her and she did the same. "Me either," she said. She could feel the familiar heat from the arc reactor against her chest.

Tony stepped away and sat down on the edge of his bed, never letting go of Sage's hand. "Hey, Pep, take Peter and Happy into the hall. I would like to have a word with my daughter."

She nodded and escorted everyone out. Peter nodded at Sage, letting her know that he would be right outside if she needed anything.

Sage looked back at her father as he drew a steady, deep breath. He was just as she remembered, only his hair was lighter now, his face was filled with worry lines and he looked very tired.

Tony began the conversation, "I see you and King are getting along."

"Yeah," Sage smiled at her dog. "Dad-"

"No, let me go first." He paused, trying to piece together his ideas. "I'm sorry, for everything. You have no idea how much I have missed you, I thought about you everyday, worried about you everyday."

His words hung in the air until Sage said, "Even though I knew why you sent me away, I never really understood. I felt scared and alone for so long. Why couldn't Iron Man protect his own daughter?"

"You were so young, it didn't feel right to rob you of your childhood by constantly rushing you from place to place and hiding you." He sighed. "We thought that it would be best."

"What about Peter?" Sage asked. "He's not too young? You're not robbing him of a childhood?"

"I take it you know about him."

Sage nodded.

"He's different, he's been given these powers. He can protect himself if something happens to him."

"And I can't?"

Tony eyed his daughter carefully. She looked uncomfortable. She was perspiring and fidgeting, almost unable to focus it seemed. "Sage," he said carefully. "You didn't come here just because I was hurt, did you?"

King started to look around the room nervously. Sage's knees felt weak, "Help me," she pleaded. "Please."


"I'm your daughter," Sage said her voice collapsing.

Tony shook his head, "I mean, what's wrong?"

"The accident," she started.

"No," Tony whispered. "No, no, no."

"Yes," she tried to tell him.

HIs eyes became distant, "I was afraid of this-"

Sage's knees buckled and she fell onto the cold tile floor. "I'm afraid!" She screamed.

Water began to rise from every container, water from the pitcher by the bed began floating into the air, the IV bags burst open, water from the sink started to spray out, water bottles popped open and Sage was controlling it all. The bluish liquid was hovering around her and King like a protective bubble, continuously swirling in mesmerizing patterns.

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