What they're like as dads

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Mike: He would be the most caring father in the world. I can see him being the one to get up and make breakfast in the morning (he looks like he makes good scrambled eggs and bacon). He's constantly playing guitar for the baby and even teaches he or she how to play when they're old enough. He knows how hard you work with the kids all day so he is always up for tucking them into bed at night. Definitely would love having daughters and would learn how to braid their hair. 

Micky: Micky is definitely the funny/silly dad. He lives for making your kids laugh. He'll make funny faces, blow little raspberries on their bellies and shake his curls in their faces. He'll do those weird spastic dances in the living room and soon they start doing them too. It is the cutest freaking thing known to man. And then when he's tired, he flops down on the floor and let's the kids flop on top of him

Davey: He is always so enchanted by how beautiful your children are. You're married to Davey Jones, how could they not be? When the babies sit on the floor playing, all he can do is stare at them and gawk at what you two have made together. He's so thankful and he thinks the children are so stunning because they look like you.

Peter: He is definitely the clueless parent. He tries so hard to be the best dad ever but he honestly doesn't have any idea what he's doing. He is scared for you to leave him alone for even a moment with the kids because of every what if situation he can think of. He treats them like fine china and he's even afraid to hold them sometimes because he's worried that he'll drop them or bump into something. He is definitely the dad who reads them bedtime stories and may fall asleep in their bed 

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