The Kind of Girl I Could Love

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The rain pounded against the windows as me and Mike sorted through our boxes. Well, I sorted through the boxes. Mike simply sat and plucked his guitar, obviously very bored. He was bored but not bored enough to resort to doing something productive.

"Mike, if you want something to do so badly, why don't you help me unpack these?" I said, gesturing to the many boxes surrounding us.

He let out a dramatic sigh and flopped back against the couch. "I don't get why we need to unpack the boxes anyway. It's such a drag."

"Mike, we've been living here for a week. I can't stand living not knowing where anything is and I know you can't either."

He let out another sigh, this one more real. He glanced out the window and ran a hand across his face. He knew there was nothing else he could and even if there was, I would keep pestering him until he gave in.

"Ok, fine," he said, putting down his guitar. "But can we please take a break before we start?"

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips. "Mike, the last time we took a break, we didn't touch another box for a week." I turned back around and continued to work on unpacking a box of records.

"Alright, alright. What do you got there?" Mike asked as he wrapped his arms around my middle and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Some of the best," I pulled out some early Beatles, the Mamas and the Papas, and finally the prize of our collection.

"Ohhh, babe, look at this" I handed the record to Mike and he simply smiled at him and the boys on the cover.

"I remember you got me that shirt and all the guys made fun of me for it. But I said 'My girl got it for me, therefore it is worth more than gold'." He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek before walking away.

I smiled as I stacked everything and moved it aside as I started working on another box when I bouncy rythm started to sound echo through the room. I turned around to see Mike standing in front of the record player with a goofy grin plastered across his face.

"The Kind of Girl I Could Love? Seriously?" I chuckled as he began to dance. He was not a very good dancer so this was very amusing.

"This was the first song I wrote for the show. I had to beg them to let me record it." he waltzed his way over to me. "I wrote this song for you and I had to let the world know how lucky I was."

While I did smile as he grabbed my hands to get me to dance with him, I wasn't going to give in that easily.

"Nice try but we still have to stuff to do." I pulled away but he quickly caught me again. He looked at me with those big brown eyes and I nearly melted.

His voice was softer as he spoke. "Just one dance? Please?"

I wanted to say no. I wanted to say no soooooooo badly but how could I resist him?

I sighed and placed my hand in his. He broke out into the biggest grin ever and pulled me to the middle of the room. He spun me around until I flopped into his chest. I laughed as he began to sing with the music, swaying me from side to side.

After the song was over, we just stood there, his arm around my waist, my hand on his shoulder, and our free hands intertwined. My head rested against his chest while his face was buried in my hair. I felt him smile against my head. I looked up at him and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You're the only girl I could love and I couldn't be happier."

I pecked him quickly and felt him smirk against my lips.

"Now, I shall keep my promise and help you." He placed a hand across his heart and bowed jokingly.

I chuckled until I felt myself being lifted off the ground. Mike picked me up bridal style, despite my very loud protests and dropped me into one of the empty cardboards boxes. I fell with a slight crunch as the box was full of packing peanuts.

"Well, I think that's enough work for the day." Mike placed his hands proudly on his hips and began to walk away, smirking. After a bit of a struggle, I was able to find my way out of the box.

We didn't finish unpacking for another week but each day was progress.

Author's note: Ok, so this kind of sucked but I tried. FIRST IMAGINE!!! They are going to get better, I promise. Make sure to comment any requests you guys have.

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