chapter five; alarm

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WARNINGS: violent crimes • teasing 

You wake up to your alarm going off at 6:30am because you didn't have to go into work so early today.

"Uhhh why why why" You say as your reaching for your phone.

As you flip over you didn't feel him anymore. His arms not a round you. He was just gone your sad that he didn't stay. Did he leave? You thought. No text messages or phone calls.

You finally got out of bed after 20 minutes on your phone scrolling through social media and to see if you had any important emails. When you get down stairs to the kitchen. You look to see your clothes on the couch and floor. You get to the kitchen to get water when you see a note.

Good morning sweet girl sorry I had to leave early Hotch called me in so I had to go back to my apartment to shower. Had a lot of fun last night see you at work. P.S I let Bubbles out for you and gave him fresh water. S.R

As you are reading the note you start to smile at his messy hand writing. I wonder what he got called in about? You think.

You give Bubbles food and go back up stairs to get ready. You turn on the shower and let it get hot. As your getting undressed your notice 5 dark purple hickeys layering the side of your neck. Once it's hot you got in and it immediately relax your muscles because you're sore from last nights fun. You had a little limp that you hope nobody would notice. Who are you kidding your work with a bunch of profilers.

You got out of the shower and did your skin care and moisturize your whole body. You pick out a white lace bra and a white square top long sleeve with black slacks and a black belt to match, for shoes just a simple low black boot. Then you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and your hair and just let your hair fall naturally on your shoulders. You decide do light makeup mascara, lipgloss, highlighter. But made sure to cover up your hickeys for no one to see.

You check the time 8:00am "Crap I have to go!" You run down stairs to unlock your safe to grab your gun to put in it's holster on you right hip and your credentials. Then say bye to Bubbles and run out the door.

As you pulled into headquarters it starts to rain so you decide to park in the parking garage.

You walk out of the elevator trying not to limp, walking though the bullpens doors. You see Reid at his desk you were about to walk over to him but stopped as you here you name.

"Y/N why are you limping?" Emily asked as you turned a round to see Emily, JJ, and Penelope all looking at you.

"I am not limping" You state trying to walk normal to them.

"Yes you so are" Garcia commented.

"Okay maybe I am so what" You say making a cup of coffee.

"So what?" JJ grinned "You had a date yesterday you said that's why you couldn't come to the club" All of them smiling.

You look up to see Spencer smiling down at his desk but soon his eyes flick up to him yours.

"Y/L/N what's on your neck?" Morgan said pointing at your neck.


Your shirt covered most of the hickeys but who knows.

"Um it's nothing" You say. Come on Y/N you could of thought of a different lie but you picked 'it's nothing' there going to know. You thought.

"Yeah sureee" Garcia laughed.

"I should be getting to work let me know if we have a case please" You added as you walked away. Trying to prove that your not limping.

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