chapter twenty; the masquerade

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WARNINGS: angst • smut • after care • choking • back scratching

this chapter is very late but it was my birthday yesterday and i totally forgot to publish this yesterday lol. but enjoy this long-awaited chapter:)

1 week later...

It has been a week since you and the team have gotten back from Florida. Hotch didn't put you and Spencer in the field together. So why they were out catching the unsub you we're stuck at the police station. You haven't really talked to Spencer that much even though you can tell he really wanted to.

"Hey Penny" You walk into her "bat cave"

"Hey are you excited for tonight" She ask turning around.

"Yes of course I am it's going to be so much fun" You sit down in the chair next to her.

"Sooo are you taking your mystery man with you" She extended the O.

"Yes and don't act like you didn't do your dirty work looking into him" You laughed.

"Okay fine but i'm just looking out for you" She smiled.

"I know but he seems nice" You looked down at your shoes.

"What picking at you beautiful mind" Penelope asked as you look back up at her.


"He loves you still and I think you know that" She stated.

"I know but he was just acting really weird in Florida but that's Spencer so I guess i'll see you later tonight" You say standing up.

"Uh yeah i'll see you later." It felt like she wanted to say something but she didn't.

Walking out of Garcia's office and walking back into the bullpen you see Spencer talking with a girl. She looked like she worked there but you have never seen her before.


"Bye guys i'll see you later" You say as Hotch let you all leave early today which is surprising because that never happens.

"Bye" Penelope, Derek, and Emily say as they are grabbing there things but not Spencer. His head was down in a book like always.

"Hey kid should you be leaving too" You hear Morgan say to Spencer as his head lifts up.

"Oh uh yeah" He looks at his watch then gets up out of his seat.

"See you later Reid" Garcia says as he walks pass her.

"Yeah see you later" He walks out with his head down.

"Okay what was that" Emily says looking at you.

"What don't look at me" You look at all of them.

"Y/N you know if you just fixed things between you two everyone would be happy" Garcia says getting up from her seat.

"Agreed" Morgan says.

"Okay I don't want to talk about this right now so bye" You wave at them as you walk out of the bullpen.

Maybe they are right everyday I miss him but it might be to late...

Walking though the front door and immediately taking off your shoes. You walk up stairs to get your dress out of your closet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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