What the heck Kevin!

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Eva left Mia's house. Mia came to the hall and sat on the couch. She was lost in her thoughts when Ida burst into her house. Panting heavily, she bent over and placed her hands on her knees to catch some air. 

Mia glanced at her and got an idea about why Ida paid her a visit like this. Mia knew Ida too well and she could tell exactly what's in Ida's head with just a single glance. 

"I found- the whereabouts of Samuel", Ida spoke while trying to catch her breath. 

"He is-currently hospitalized."

"I have his-location"

"Let's go then. Why are we wasting our time?" Mia got up from the couch. 

"What?" Ida's eyes widened as she wanted to relax for a bit. Mia didn't pay any attention to her and walked out of the place straight away. 

"Hey wait for me!" Ida ran to catch up with her. 



Mia and Ida were standing at the entrance of the gigantic hospital. It appeared more of a shopping mall rather than a hospital. Mia glanced over the security arrangements in the place. She turned to Ida who was covering her face with a mask. 

"You know what to do now" she uttered in her cold tone. Ida nodded and slowly placed her hand in her denim's pocket. She pressed a button of a device and then pulled back her hand. "It's done" she informed Mia who was waiting for her. "Good. Wait here for my next order." She commanded. Ida firmly nodded. 

Mia heads to the reception which was quite busy. "Can you tell me where the patient named Samuel is?" She pulled out her straight face. 

"Sure Mam. Give me a second please." the receptionist replied in a soft tone. 

The receptionist tapped some keys on the keyboard and looked at the screen in front of her. After waiting for half a minute, she suddenly pressed her lips and hit the 'ENTER' key harshly. 

"Why is it taking so long?" Mia furrowed her brows and looked down on the receptionist. 

"Just a minute Ma'am" the receptionist answered without looking at her. 

Another receptionist reached out to her and whispered something in her ear making her brows furrowed in confusion. "But all this was working perfectly till now. What could have happened suddenly?" the receptionist whispered back to another. 

"What are you two doing? Take this registration form for my wife quickly, she needs urgent medical attention. I do not have time to waste here." A middle aged man, probably in his thirties, yelled. 

"I need the information for my friend too. What's taking so long in that?" Another male in his twenties shouted at the top of his voice. 

"Please calm down. This is a hospital. There is some issue with the server. We are trying to resolve it. Give us a minute please." The receptionist urged politely. 

"What? How are you gonna take care of the patients when you can't even maintain a damn server!" an old lady complained in her creaky voice. 

"It's not like that Ma'am-" the receptionist couldn't finish what she had to say. 

"You can't maintain a damn server. I don't want to get treatment here. Give me my money back." The old lady yelled. 

"Ma'am please try to understand.-" 

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