How can you deceive me?!

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Mia kneeled down to handcuff Kevin. 

"Ouch!" Out of the blue, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck. "I can't-" she tried to speak but fell on top of Kevin. Her vision blurred and then everything blacked out. 


Mia slowly opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar environment. It was dark, old and dingy, reeking of sewer. "Gosh", she scrunched up her nose. 

Trying to cover her nose with her hands, a sudden pain arose in the back of her neck. It didn't take long for her to recall what happened. 

"Bollocks!" she howled. An irritating, burning sensation on her wrists brought her attention to her hands which were tied to the chair. "Seriously! That's all you got." she scorned.

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