Chapter- 22

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I look down at the corpses with a satisfied smile. I clean my favourite knife with a dead guards shirt. Once elegant grand hall was now covered with the blood of sixty-six dead guards including the security head; the other sixty-five were alive for now. Though I made them watch as I killed each one of them brutally. It was a warning for them. Screw things up again and they will be the next in the line.

The scene was absolutely horrifying for a normal person. But I was used it. I was trained for sights like this since I started walking. At first I hated the sight of all this blood and gore and dead bodies, but slowly got used to it and eventually started taking delight in it.
        Besides they deserved it. If these single brain celled idiots can't protect their queen then they don't deserve to live. Simple as that.

I walk out of the grand hall and see a maid walking. I call her and as soon as she sees the state I am in, she flinches. I roll my eyes in annoyance.
       Well I can't fully blame her as well since I was covered in blood from head to toe.

"Tell Lena that I want the grand hall spotless clean." I order her in a cold voice and without waiting for her response start heading towards my room.

As I was climbing the stairs, I saw Derek coming down with a worried expression on her face. When he saw my blood covered state, realization dawned upon him and he just shook his head. Pinching the bridge of his nose he sighed heavily, then gave me an annoyed look. "How many?"

"Sixty-six." I said with a satisfied smirk on my face.

"So proud." He said dryly. "Clean up before going to meet her. You look as if someone puked blood on you."

I scoff. Showing him the middle finger, I run away before he has the chance to say anything else.

After showering and changing into fresh set of clothes, I go in our room to meet Myra. I see Derek already sitting with her making me sigh in frustration. Can't I get a moment alone with her?

Myra looks worried as she glances at me from under her eyelashes. I also see Derek looking like someone has shoved a rod up his ass. He looked extremely stiff and angry.

"What happened?" I ask with a frown. Sitting beside her, I take her face in my hands. "What is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

She glances at Derek anxiously as she bites her lip. He nods slightly making her taking a deep breath. She mumbles something under her breath as she nods to herself.

"Adrian, Joselyn" she starts cautiously making me stiffen. Her eyes roam around my face probably for any signs of anger but I keep my face void of any emotion. "She is alive."

I scoff and move away from her. "I think you hit your head hard sweetheart. I killed her and buried her with my own hands. There is no way she is alive." I grit out the words as I glare down at her.

"But... I... I saw her." She says softly and cautiously.

"Where? In your dreams?" I snap at her making her flinch at the anger in my voice. I didn't want to scare her but even the mention of my late wife boiled my blood with anger.

Sighing heavily I sit down beside Myra, "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you." I say before looking at her. "I want each and every detail."

She nods and takes a deep breath. "I had woken up when I didn't feel you two on the bed." Her voice trembles slightly when she continues, "I switched on the lights and... and I saw something written on the mirror in blood." Tears start forming in my eyes and instinctively I pulled her in my arms.

I just held her without saying anything as she took deep breaths to calm herself down.

She looked deep into my eyes as she started explaining.

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