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I groan as I wake up. I blink rapidly as I rub my eyes. I take in my surroundings and realise that I was back in my room. My throat was extremely sore. Also my breasts were aching horribly. Even the slightest movement sent a jolt of pain through my body. But it was nothing compared to the pain in heart. The pain of their unashamed betrayal is tearing me from inside. Tears start forming in my eyes as the memories of last night assault me, taking my breath away. I start heaving as sobs wrack through my body. Maybe I'm an idiot to keep thinking about this one question that lingers in my mind. How could they tear us apart? We might not be the most perfect couples out there but we had something.

Slowly I gather myself and furiously rub these tears away. No more wasting my tears on those bastards. They are not worth it. I can't stay here any longer.

I have to get out of here.

Suddenly I hear the sound of door getting closed. I look up to see Lena carrying a tray. When she saw me, she smiled as she walked towards me.

"Oh good. You're up." She keeps the tray beside me. "Young masters were worried about you." She smiles as she says.

I scoff and roll my eyes at this. Sure they were. I thought sarcastically.

She frowns and hands me the tablets. "These painkillers will help your sore throat and body." Saying this she handed me a glass of water. I gulp the pills down and her the glass.

She turns to leave the room when I stop her. "Not going shackle my hand today. You know to bathe and dress me up like a doll, ready to be played with." I ask with a sweet mocking smile on my face as I tilt my head to side.

"Masters said to leave you alone for the day." She says in a soft voice. Before I could say anything else she left the room in hurry. I know I shouldn't have taunted her that way but after last night I'm angry and hurt and I don't care whose feelings I hurt as long as I get back at them, somehow.

I carefully get out of bed wincing as my breasts swayed with the movement I made. My whole body was covered in bruises and scars but the condition of my breasts was way worse. 

Slowly I walk in my closet and retrieved the scissors I had hidden in my underwear drawer. I had stolen it when the hairstylist had come. I knew that someday it might come in handy.

There were always two guards guarding my door and I knew I had to get rid of them to escape.

What I'm about to do is probably dangerous and stupid but at the moment I'm not getting any better ideas. And I'm desperate.
I start banging on the door as I start screaming for help. The door is opened almost immediately by the guards. They both look at me with blank expression. Time to show my acting skills.

"I... I saw someone in the bathroom." I stutter showing fear on my face.

"Someone in the bathroom?" One of them asks me in confusion.

"I was in the washroom doing my business when I saw someone looking from the window." I rush out as I start breathing heavily.

They frown and look at each other before turning their gaze back to me. "Are you sure ma'am? Maybe it was just your imagination." The taller of the two of them says.

"I saw him." I say as I wrap my arms around my body. "Please I'm scared." I look at them with tearful eyes. "Even if it's my imagination can you please just... look once... for the peace of my mind."

They frown and look at each other as if conversing telepathically. I look at them with anxious anticipation, mentally preparing myself for attacking them right at this moment. After few moments they look back at me and nod. Sighing in relief I thank them. The taller one comes in while the other shuts the door. Great! One at a time. Easier for me... or I hope so.

I follow behind him as we head to the bathroom. Picking up the stool, he places it against the wall and climbs on it. I watch him cautiously as I slowly take the scissor out of the back pocket of my jeans.

"Are you sure there was someone out here?" He asks as he continues to look outside the window.

I slowly creep in behind him, clutching the scissors tightly. "Yes I am sure."

"Fine then I'll go―" I stab him in the side of his neck as he starts turning around. He looks at me wide eyed, filled with shock and anger. 

I dunk as he lunges for me. He again comes for me but is slowed by the wound in his neck. Dunking once again, I go behind him and hit on his knee making him kneel in front of me.

I twist his hand behind his back as he starts pulling the scissors out. "I'm sorry but I have to do this." I whisper an apology before slamming his head on the wall rendering him unconscious. Breathing heavily I look down at his unconscious body.

Entering the room I grab the lamp from the table and march towards the door. Pausing briefly I take a deep breath before knocking at the door.

I knock the other guard out with the lamp as soon as the door opens, not giving him any time to react whatsoever.

I drag his body and leave it on the floor beside my bed. I look at the clock and see that it is eleven in the evening. I have only an hour and a half to get out of here because then Lena will come with my lunch and everybody will be notified of my escape.

Peeping from the door I see that there is no one else in the corridor. I smile as I think that it might not be that difficult after all. Locking the door I slowly turn to the right side of the corridor. I walk faster as I look around. The hallways are completely silent as if no one ever comes here. I again take a right turn as I continue walking.

These hallways are darker than the previous ones. The coldness and creepiness of these hallways is giving me chills. I start walking faster, almost running, when I collide with a small body making me fall on my butt. I groan and look at the person I have collided with. My eyes widen in surprise to see Emma. Maybe the same could be said for her as well because a horrified gasp leaves her mouth when her eyes land on me.
What do you think is going to happen?
Will Myra be able to escape or not?
Will Emma ruin her escape plan or help her?

Tell me what you think about this chapter 😊😊

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