Chapter- 10

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A surprise which is going to change her world for the worst. We don't tolerate betrayal. No matter how big or small it is, betrayal is dealt with utmost strictness..... even if it is the person for whom we will die with a smile on our faces.

A. Betrayal. Is. A. Betrayal.

I usually hold the beast inside me for Myra's sake, but tonight this burning rage inside me will not let me have ascendance over my beast. Tonight he will reign over our queen. A queen who is going to loose all her privileges. She will yearn for freedom. She will beg for her old DEREK and ADRIAN. But alas! They are not going to return. Ever.

We have been lenient with her, giving her control over everything outside the four walls of bedroom. But now she'll know what it really means to be with us..... to be owned by us. From now onwards she will ask permission for every fucking thing including going to the damned washroom.

The. Status. Of. Our. Relationship. Will change. Instead of us it will be now her who will be on leash for our beats have unleashed themselves.

Originally the three of us had mutually decided to shift to Adrian's mansion after completing the six months of our relation. But the moment we saw those damned pictures, Adrian and I decided to move to his house the next day. The best part is that nothing needs to be shifted except the maids and servants. Then after few weeks, once she gets used to her new position as our slave, we will move back to our homeland...... to Italy.
        There she will be trained to obey us. We will break her before building her up to our liking.

She doesn't know anything because now she doesn't have say in it. Not even decisions concerning her life. She belongs to us. We know what's best for her. Giving her control hasn't been fruitful for any of us. So it is time to take back the lost control. The control which we gave to her thinking that it might be good for her, considering her past— which we still know nothing about except that it still haunts her.

But as I said earlier things will change from now onwards.

Right now she was hung upside down by the chains. Her legs were restrained by the chains hanging from the ceiling and her hands were restrained by the tethers bolted on the floor. Her body was eagle spread in the middle of the air. The tips of her long and thick raven black hair were whispering with the floor.

By now she had realised that this was not the normal 'fun' session; that this was something more sinister. We were not her sirs anymore for now we were her masters.

There would no longer be a safe word. She will have to take it all— pain and pleasure. There would no longer be difference for her between pain and pleasure because all the lines will be blurred. She will no longer belong to herself because we will own everything— her body, her mind and her soul.

She will learn to love everything we will do to her.
My heart was beating loudly in my chest because I had realised the reason of my paranoia. It wasn't paranoia, it was the feeling of trepidation; of fear because somehow my heart or rather my soul had realised that my two lovers were furious with me for some reason unknown to me. But one thing I knew was that whatever the reason was, it was serious; serious enough to chain me upside down. I could already feel the blood rushing to my head making me dizzy.
        The silence around me was deafening. The only sounds I cloud hear was of the breathes leaving my lungs in short pants and the loud thumping of my heart. The droplets of sweat were gathering on my face despite the coldness of the room.

The sudden noise of footsteps distracts me and my head jerks up to look at the intruder. My eyes trailed up to look at the blank face of Adrian. Unlike his face, his eyes spoke everything, that is when he let them. And right now they were speaking anger, storming anger which unknown to me will change my entire life.

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