A Dog Named Gilly

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This chapter isn't meant to offend

Jax is bored so he gets a dog with brown fur and gray eyes and calls it Gilly because he secretly likes Gilly. One day he walks her and she won't move and then Gilly hears him say "Come on Gilly. I know you don't have any business here, so come on!" She's confused because he's on the other side of the hedge and thinks that there's another Gilly and rushes to the other side. She laughs at Jax and says "You-got-so-lonely-that-you-got-another-dog!"

And then they start to date and next year, they reveal to everyone that they're dating because it's their anniversary and everyone's mad.

A/N: Wow, 31 views and 5 votes. Thanks, it means a lot. I enjoyed writing this and thank you for the love!

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