The Dandelion Waltz -- Jean x Diluc

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By: cherry_noodlechan
(This was my first oneshot, I'm sorry if it's trash. And no, this is not an x reader this is just Jean's narrative side since the original narrator took a break from talking too much.)

Another day in Monstadt doing commissions. It's nearly lunch time and I feel my stomach grumble, though that doesn't concern me because I have work to finish. I hear a knock on the other side of my office,

"Come in!"

The person who knocked came in and it was Lisa. I wonder what she was doing here.

"Master Jean, it's already lunch time."

"Yes, I know."

"You should really take a break from working so hard. You always overwork and push yourself to the limits."

"I know but.. helping citizens and keeping Monstadt safe is what I do. I almost have no time to relax because I have a quite busy schedule."

"Well, I thought you could've have lunch with me. But I knew you would say that, so I came prepared."
Lisa sighed in disappointment before handing me a wrapped box.

"What's that?"

"It's your lunch. I made it just a few minutes ago. So it's still very warm."

"Oh, thank you so much Lisa! Well, I guess I can do a little break."
I said with a warm smile, unwrapping the boxed lunch.

"Eat well Master Jean! You can give the box to me in the library later when you're done eating."
Lisa told me, as she walked out of the office.

I let out a small "mhm" before digging in Lisa's cooking. It was her special dish, Mysterious Bolognese, even though her dish was named like that, her cooking of Bolognese is really good! It's a good thing she didn't put magic on it.. last time I taste tested her Bolognese, it tasted really bizzare and weird, and I found out that she put magic on it to see if it'll taste good. I almost vomited, just by thinking about that almost made my appetite decimate. I finish up eating my lunch and went to the library to find Lisa. As expected, she was there, checking the books near the reception.

"Thanks so much for the lunch Lisa! I'm sorry you had to go to all that trouble just cooking that for me.."
I gave her the box when I said my first sentence, once I gave it to her, I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment.

"Oh, no, it doesn't trouble me at all!"

"Well that's good to hear. I'll be heading out for a while, I'll be back shortly."
I stated, leaving the library.

"Take care!"
Lisa waved and smiled before she went on with her book sorting.

I went out of the headquarters and as I was halfway outside the walls of the City of Monstadt, I see Albedo and Sucrose having a lunch date, they both notice me and waved at me, and I waved at them back. And then other citizens greet me, so might aswell greet them back.

"Huh? Oh! Master Jean!"

A squeaky voice called my name, I turned to my side and it was Paimon and Lumine, they were talking to Katheryne, a young lady, part of the Adventurers guild.

"Hello you two! And Katheryne."

"Hello Master Jean."

"What brings you here, Master Jean?"
The floating child asked.

"I was just walking out of the City to get some fresh air, that's all."

"I'm glad you're taking breaks, seriously, you've been working so hard protecting Monstadt that you don't consider have a moment all to yourself."
Paimon was glad but in a concerned way.

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