Newly Found Trait -- Xingyun

320 9 2

By: -dazchu
Request: sakkurae21

Ah kids, always so lively and cheerful. Who would've thought that Chongyun himself would be dealing with them right now before he could go on with his affairs. He was with the kids from his previous hangout with the traveler: Dalong and his younger sister, Little Le. They were trying to convince Chongyun to play another round of hide-and-seek but it seems that Chongyun wasn't really in the mood.

"Mr. Popsicle Man, could we play another round of hide-and-seek? Pleassee."

"We already played one round, there's no need for another one. Besides, he might have other things to do." Dalong said to his sister.

"O-Oh, it's quite alright. I'm sure the person I'm supposed to meet with can wait a bit. His face might even be stuck in a book right now." Chongyun smiled as he shook his head.

"So, you can play with us some more? Hehe, alright! This round, you'll never find me!" Little Le exclaimed.

"Wait- I'm the ghost again? Oh, alright. You kids hide now."

"Count to... fifty ─ and no peeking!"

Chongyun counted to fifty and started finding the children. He's still trying to get the hang of this game so it took him quite a while to find them.

"Aww, you found both of us. You're getting good at this Mr. Popsicle Man!" Dalong commented.

"Yeah! It's so fun playing with you!" His sister followed.

As they had fun together, Chongyun almost forgot about the fact that he needed to meet with someone until...

"Chongyun, I didn't know you we're this good with kids." Xingqiu smiled.

"Who are you, Mister?" Little Le asked him.

"Oh, this is my friend Xingqiu. Xingqiu, this is Little Le and this is Dalong." Chongyun said as he patted their heads.

"Ugh... I'm starving, could you make more of those Cold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies of yours like last time, Mr. Popsicle man?"

"Le, we've already played hide-and-seek with him. We shouldn't bother him anymore and let him be with his friend. We can just wait for Mommy to come back." Dalong reasoned.

"Well, I-"

"I don't mind. I also want to taste your special dish again." Xingqiu smiled and looked at Chongyun.

"Alright, I'll maybe go ask Chef Mao for some ingredients and I'll start cooking."

After Chongyun got the ingredients, he cooked his specialty dish and served it to the other three.

"Tasty, as always." Xingqiu complimented Chongyun's cooking.

"Yummy!" Little Le said.

"Very Delicious!"

"I'm glad you all liked it."

The kids continued eating and eating. Xingqiu found this as a perfect opportunity to say these words.

"Hmm... You can handle kids and also cook... Say, do you think we'll ever have kids like them?"

"Yeah... Wait, what-" Chongyun just looked at Xingqiu who seemed unbothered while eating. Just as they all finished, the kids' mother had arrived. They bid farewell and the mother took them home.

It was around dawn, Xingqiu and Chongyun were walking down the harbor, chatting about some things when suddenly, Xingqiu had mentioned something.

"Hey, you know, I don't like it when you call me a friend with others."

"Why? Are we not friends...?" Chongyun was confused at first then, he got surprised by the sudden kiss on the cheek Xingqiu gave him.

"You know quite well we're more than that." Xingqiu said, slipping his hand through the other's and leaving a flustered Chongyun by his side.

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