Three races

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"I can give you a lift," Minho said, surprising Jisung who had just finished repairing both cars. He was tired even though it lasted less than half an hour, but he still had to check that everything he did was causing other side effects or messing up. Typically, he checked that the cars could also set off safely, which was the most important thing.

It happened that the bus was only an hour away and he didn't want to disturb Felix any longer, because he had to go to work in the morning. So it didn't take long for him to make the decision to get into the rich man's car.

Part of Felix didn't want Jisung himself to go with him, but he had to admit that he trusted Minho for what a driver he was. He raced and was always careful not to exceed speed when he was riding with someone.

Jisung watched the city skyline through the windowpane, not listening to the radio lines. He didn't even hear Minho's question which he had to repeat.

"Do you like cars?"

If he could, he would have laughed at the obvious question.

"The oldest ones they don't make anymore. From what I can see you like the new ones," he remarked, tapping lightly on the glass. Minho scolded him with a glance.

He didn't speak again, as if he was careful not to talk too much. Had he guessed that it didn't always make sense to talk about it? He had no problem, but Minho clearly thought otherwise.

He noticed a familiar azure car with a dent in front of his house. He opened his mouth in surprise and ran out as they stopped. Minho also left, see what happened.

"I want my money back," said the irritated man who previously needed repair. Jisung did it according to the rules and the Cadillac was safe to drive "you did something that made me lose my temper and crashed into a pole!"

"Were the tires correct?" he asked, losing his patience, "I was asking if I could replace them, but you insisted not. So what can I do?"

"You little, stupid brat" he approached in nervousness, tugging on his blouse "it's your fault"

"We can compromise"

"No way," he didn't wonder. Jisung tried to move away to a safe distance, but Minho grabbed the man's wrist, pulling him away from the boy.

He thought that he would turn out to be an idiot what little, and so far only helped. Jisung himself claimed he was terrible in fights and often panicked in such situations.

But seeing such a beautiful car broken, hurt him more.

"He said it wasn't his fault, so you'll either find your own attorney, good luck with that, or we'll make a calculation later," he demanded. The man stopped, scared watching everywhere but in his eyes.

"Mr. Minho" met him from many races "he was at fault"

"Even if, what would they say in court? You attacked him unlawfully"

Minho took a more important position, convincing him also with his upright posture. He stared down at him, making the man shyly back away.

"Sorry. I will never do anything like this again," he apologized like a child, as the atmosphere relaxed, running to his car, driving quickly out onto the street.

"You have a talent for manipulating people, cool" smiled, drawing Minho's attention to himself. He walked over to him and took the cap off Jisung's head. He just took a close look at the delicate face and childish eyes. He was beautiful. Both Felix and Jisung were beautiful, and he could find a replacement.

Of course, looking for a new mechanic.

"You're dirty," he commented.

Jisung widened his eyes and yanked the hat from Minho's hands, putting it back on his hair.

"I know. I didn't have time to wash myself"

"And you stink"

Then he felt a blow on his shoulder. He winced in mock pain and laughed at the response. Jisung couldn't help but strike the second time.

"And that's for what?" he asked a bit confused

"For how you drive," he said, pointing to the car, "you make a lot of mistakes" He changed the topic of conversation

The words falling from his mouth made a vague reaction on Minho's face. It took him a moment to figure out and understand what Jisung had said. He raised an eyebrow as he waited for details that might be useful in racing.

"You are not one with the car. And before you start arguing with me, I saw it while driving"

"What do you mean?"

"You're racing right?" he made sure, by continuing, "competitors often allow themselves to be controlled by several factors. The force with which you move and crush you into the seat, the speed with which you enter a turn or the weather, sometimes rain or in winter snow and ice. Tires or the capabilities of the vehicle will not help much if you cannot control the car"

"And am I to understand that I can't drive?" frowned. He passed his driver's license and raced where he did not have the last place. But it was true. The car skidded frequently, even when it simply started off.

"You can, but you don't pay attention to details"

"Okay, smart guy, do you have any idea how to fix if the car skids?" he asked, expecting no response, but after a moment's thought, Jisung walked over to his car.

"Do a maneuver that will give you orientation and give you time, and the car will not rush in every direction. At most, you will go vulcanization" he shrugged. He didn't understand, but he didn't interfere anymore "I'll show you, but first I'll take a shower first"

Minho nodded and followed the boy inside. The house was like any other, it would not have paid much attention to anything more than the figurines placed on the dresser.

He waited in the living room, letting Jisung thoroughly wash himself and wash off the engine oil and dirt stains. He wondered if he should let him take his wheel or if he had his own car.

He came out shortly after, refreshed and fragrant, wiping his hair with a towel.


"No thanks", he got up and stood in front of him "do you have a driving license?"

"Relax, why shouldn't I?" he laughed "are you in such a hurry?"

"I just want to win, okay?"

He rolled his eyes, especially visibly and amusingly to show how he had treated his words. Felix will be pissed when he finds out how they talk to each other.

He watched him watch him distrustfully as he stepped into the driver's seat. Minho's teeth clenched as the vehicle started moving. They went quietly, without much difference or obstacles, outside the city, on a long and straight road. The street was wet, which only increased the chance of the tires skidding.

"You better watch it outside. First of all, watch the wheels," he gave the clue, and Minho reluctantly left. For a moment the thought crossed his mind that he would steal the car, but he doubted it. He'd be able to spoil sooner. But before he could protest, the car started at the end of the tour.

He backed away a little from the street and listened to McClaren's speeding up. He swallowed the lump in his throat and watched uneasily as the wheels changed direction, turning the car the other way.

For a moment he was afraid of falling into the field or the car being on the roof, but only saw the conscious maneuver of the wheels, giving the driver time to orientate himself. Then he understood what Jisung meant.

The car looked like it had more than four wheels at the same time, driving sideways down the street until it returned to its place easily and efficiently.

He ran over to his child when he stopped and hugged the car body worriedly. He saw the door swing open and pale Jisung.

"I finally understood what you meant," he said to him. Jisung laughed nervously.

"We can go vulcanization," he lowered his head, and Minho realized. The rear tires were fringed, much like he had made of the papers in class to create a comb.

He smiled blankly and grabbed the back of the boy's neck.

"And I trusted you"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, sorry!"

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