Eight races

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It was dawn when he opened his eyes. His back ached from his unnatural position on the bed, just to comfort the other. After the incident, when he fell asleep, he carried him to bed, which was a bit of a challenge. Minho was not the lightest one, as evidenced also by his strong thighs, sliding from Jisung's hands every few seconds.

He stared at the sleeping face, so beautiful and peaceful, without any artificial emotion. Up close, he looked so amazing that he could stare at him for hours. Wake up next door every day.

He slowly leaned over Minho's face, unable to control the urge to come even closer and kiss him as if there was a chemistry between them. Calmly and without prejudice, he placed his mouth on his until he saw his eyes open. In a panic, he stepped back, aware that this was not their first kiss.

"When you want to kiss, never in the morning. Your mouth stinks," he said hoarsely and he cleared his throat. He greeted with a punch on the shoulder, "okay, never mind. Don't get up yet," he added, seeing Jisung want to get up. He grabbed a strip of his shirt and pulled him down so he could lie on top of him again.

"I didn't know you were so clingy"

"Get used to it," he closed his eyes, puffing up under a hand stroking him like a cat. He didn't realize what it looked like until he heard Jisung laughing.

"Yesterday it would be unthinkable that you could behave like this. Are you really the same person? Nobody replaced you? Blink twice if you need help."

He liked it. Mostly he thought he was a cuddly person, only lying down and smelling, but Minho's aura since he met him did not fit this behavior. Online videos, in interviews, literally everyone portrayed him as a cold bastard, eager to play dirty games to win. But he could boast now that the cold bastard showed the other side to him.

"You talked a lot about yourself," he began, drawing the boy's attention to himself "but I think I should now, for compensation"

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Sungiee"

This, too, surprised him that he had to wait a moment for the flush from his cheeks to fade away. Minho acted so sweet, unthinkable. Plus the doe eyes staring at him, contrasting with the pale complexion.

"I'll send you to the North Pole someday if you look at me again"

It gave him a reason to tease. After a short laugh, he calmed down, waiting if Jisung was going to tell him about himself.

"You know I'm a mechanic and I love old school cars. And I got it from my dad, but he guided me in this direction. He was a man like you, but he wasn't racing, at least professionally. People began to associate him with the fact that he repaired and added many improvements to the cars of the participants, but his career ended after one participant ended up in the hospital for one mistake. And there was information that he was dead. Many people thought it was because of the illness for which he had stopped treating himself, but it could in theory be suicide"

"I'm sorry" stepped away from him and put his hand on Jisung's knee. He didn't want to lie on top of it while it opened "you must have been bad for that. I'm really sorry it happened Jisung"

"I mean, it's not bad. Sure, I've been going through some kind of mourning, but you know. The funeral was without a body, and I can't understand it. Rumor has it that he's dead, but I still feel like he's somewhere in the world. He just could get away from the audience"

Jisung looked at the motionless Minho. He wasn't there to be able to tell, but he believed him.

"What do you think we would make breakfast together? Gyeranmari could be?"



"Thank you"

"What? For what?" was surprised by Minho's sudden thanks. It upset him because he didn't have to thank him for anything. It was Jisung who should thank him for everything and apologize for his stupid thinking. By no means it bothered him "man, maybe they really changed you?"

"Idiot" frowned, getting up first and leaving. Immediately after he left, he heard the sound of water flowing from the tap, testifying to brushing his teeth. He tried to open the door, but it was locked "I wohn't leht youhw in," he said indistinctly.

"I want to brush my teeth too. Minho? Minhooo" moaned his name outside the door until the boy opened the door and let him in. By the time he found the second toothbrush, Minho had left the room.

As he descended to the kitchen, he heard eggs broken into a bowl.

"What are you doing?" he asked immediately, watching the somewhat inept breaking of the egg. The second time it worked out smoothly, he didn't have to use a knife to pull out pieces of the shell.

"You wanted a gyeranmari" he shrugged, pouring the finished mixture into the pan "and anticipate your questions, Jihyo taught me by chance"

"Your girlfriend?"

"Jealous? I had Felix" he curled up under Jisung's gaze, "but not anymore. The employee. He's taking a break."

"I understand" he approached, grabbing the chopsticks with the intention of a little help. He wasn't the best at cooking, but he was almost a professional repairing the engine.

Well, after breakfast, he should teach Minho about racing, although he sincerely hoped he wouldn't take part in it. It was so easy to get hurt at the race, and as he thought, they had only just begun to have more to them than a mere statement about the fun. He couldn't quickly come to terms with the knowledge that something might happen to him. Was this more infatuation than he expected?

Or the desire to care seemed fine to him too.

But it was not a typical desire to care, because he would not want to kiss the child.

Undefined difference MinsungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя