"Genocide . . .?"

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"Hey Sweets . . ."

You looked back at him, showing that he had your attention.

"Come here . . ."

You came closer to him until you were face to face with the one you loved.

"I . . ."

"I need to tell you something . . ."

You arched an eyebrow signaling your confusion.

"I need you to wake up . . ."

Everything went black and everything was crumbling around you.

"Wake up . . ."

"Wake up .. . !"


You opened your eyes to see a white room full of medical supplies.

"They're awake!"

You heard someone yell out and soon there were multiple doctors surrounding you.

But then . . .

They all turned around and got on their knees almost in . . .


You saw a man walk in and you remembered exactly what happened.

He was the one who killed your lover . .

The king of Obelisk . . .

He walked towards your bed.

He smiled at you and then gently caressed your face.

You wanted to scream and yell, to get away from but you couldn't move.

Seconds later . . .

There was a loud gunshot .. .

His body was on the floor . . .

Blood pooling out of his head . . .

You saw them . . .

Your lover was at the door . .

But his eyes were red . . .

This was just the beginning of his endless genocide run.

-Abyss ✿

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