"George . . .?"

7 1 0

STARTED: 5.25.2021 at 8:55am

FINISHED: 5.25.2021 at 3:54pm

TW: None?

George x reader

(This takes place in a Florida zoo)

2nd Person POV

You walked up the stairs heading to George's streaming room. You had been wanting to ask him to go out today and had a great idea of where to go. You had already made preparations beforehand and were confident in the plan. You just hoped that he would feel the same about this idea.

You knocked three times on the door before a come in was heard from the otherside of the door.

"Hey there Y/N! What's up?" He turned to look at you, a small smile taking over the features of his face. 

You pulled the little slips of paper from behind your back and handed them to him for closer inspection. He took them gently into his hands and inspected them.

"You wanna go to the zoo?" He asked while looking at me directly in my eyes. You nodded my head, excitement bubbling inside your heart.

"Sure, let's go!"

Later . . .

"Hello everyone! Today we are at the zoo! I'm here with Y/N, Sapnap, and Dream!" He looked at the camera, everyone else waving and saying hello. Dream was behind the camera while everyone else was in front of it, allowing Dream to be out of frame.

"LET'S GO SEE THE OWLS!!" No one had time to react before Sapnap started dragging George to the owl exhibit. You all followed suit, walking with the group as everyone took turns feeding and petting the owls.

As the live stream continued, however, Dream and George seemed to be getting a bit to . . .

Close . . ?

The two males continued to constantly flirt with one another, while Sapnap made fun of the two. You, on the other hand, were in the back until you stopped and walked back the other way. They wouldn't notice that you were gone. You weren't that important plus. . .

They look so happy with one another . . .

It would be a shame to ruin their fun.

As time passed, the stream was coming to a close as the three boys grew tired and sore from all the walking.

"Hey guys I think it's about time to end the stream." Everyone seemed to agree.

Dono: Can we see Y/N?

The chat exploded with comments about how they wanna see you.

"Y/N? Oh yeah sure!" He turned around but couldn't seem to find you.

"Y/N? Y/N?! Y/N!!!" His voice was filled with panic, sweat on his forehead as he desperately tried to call to you.

When you didn't answer, he started to panic even more while attempting to stay calm so chat wouldn't worry.. "Why won't Y/N answer...?"

His heart stopped as he realised what he had done.

"No . . ." Tears fell down his face as he looked around frantically. He knew what he did but he didn't mean any of it. You're not upset. 

Right . . ?

He shoved the camera into Dream's arms, grabbing his arms and dialing your number. It took a few tries, but you had finally answered.

"Hello . . ?"


You were surprised by his tone as he had never really yelled at you before.

"I'm at the owl exhibit, why . . .?" You said as an owl perched on your shoulder, rubbing his fluffy body against yours.


You did as he asked and a few seconds later, he was a few feet away from you. He ran towards you, pouncing onto you once he was close enough. You could feel your shirt getting wet from his tears. You put your fingers through his hair, attempting to calm him down.

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!! P-please . . ." His voice cracked as he started breaking down.

"I promise . .♡"

The four of you went home, George's hand in yours as he apologized about the whole incident.

The four of you arrived at Dream's house, tired and worn out from the whole thing. Everyone else went to bed and when you were going to do the same, George stopped you. 

He dragged you to his room, mouth shut during the entire process. He laid down on the bed, getting on top of you. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as he laid his head against the crook of your neck.

"Never leave me again." he said in a tired yet stern voice.

You kissed the top of his head as a way of saying 'ok'.

Soon enough you heard tiny snores coming from the sleeping male and soon after you too fell into a peaceful slumber. He loved you and that's all you needed.

The end. 

_ Abyss ✿ 

𝖂𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖄/𝕹.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora