Golden Ticket

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Carter wasn't always a big guy. However, he always had a little belly, and had a nice round ass that made his underwear stretch around his white skin. But football helped him control that. But then once he got into college, that freshman 15 hit him like a truck. He discovered his love for sweets, and wanted nothing more then that. He moved to a small apartment in New York, where his belly blimped out until it was big and jiggly, a quality his boyfriend Liam tends to enjoy. Liam loves teasing Carter for his weight and secretly made sure he stayed that way. Liams goal was to keep his boyfriend large paid off really well though. On a routine trip to the local candy shop, Carter was lucky enough to purchase two chocolate bars that each contained golden tickets, inviting Liam and Carter to tour Wonka's factory next week. The two were ecstatic and couldn't wait for the day to arrive.

On the day of the tour, Liam wore a typical purple Nike jacket and shorts, akin to his everyday fashion sense. But he forced his boyfriend to wear an admittedly snug yellow American Eagle T-shirt, and shorts hugging tight to the many curves of Carter's plump body. "Are you sure this is the right outfit for this kind of event?" said Carter, voicing his concerns about exposing his rounded physique to the other guests.

"Of course it is! You'll be eating lots of chocolate, right? This shirt will expose that big belly of yours, so you can eat as much as you want." Liam wasn't sure if Carter understood his true motives, but they were already outside the factory gates, so it was too late for the fatboy to change now. Liam liked embarrassing Carter. In their youth they were best friends, and Carter would always bully the kids around him. And he was greedy, a quality Liam liked because he knew one day that greed would get to him.

Also along for the tour were three other guys, with ages ranging in the late twenties. There was Paul, whose mental capabilities seemed to be on the slow side, Ben, whose nice clothes and general demeanor hinted at the fact that he was rather spoiled, and Anthony, who was also rather large in size, but still a good 75 pounds below Carter's 250.

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