The Inventing Room

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"Well let's go get that fat boy of yours," Wonka said as he led the group over to a grand barge and they sailed downstream, searching for the fat boy as they went. Some moaning was heard through the tunnel's echoes. They followed it until they found the source. It was Carter, bigger than ever, near the door to the Inventing Room. Liam practically jumped out of the boat and ran towards his boyfriend. He helped him up and hugged him, only to find that his arms could no longer reach all the way around Carter's body. He was huge now. His shirt was completely gone floating in the river somewhere, and his shorts tore. Leaving nothing but his red under armor underwear. His whole body was exposed more then ever before, even enough to see the top of his ass crack, something the boys all snickered at.

"Carter, my boy, I'm so glad you could rejoin the group." Wonka said whilst looking his fattened body up and down. "You've certainly indulged yourself."
"You think?" Paul said "Look at this monster". Carter got red. "His belly is bigger then a bean bag chair" while saying that Paul took his hands and got a fistful of Carter's chub. "And his tits probably squirt chocolate out of them" something that Paul secretly wanted to test out. Paul picked up Carter's right tit, and jiggled it. His nipples were a pink color, and his areola's were perfect for a mouth to suck on. Carter looked down and Pauls hands, and liked the way he touched him. "That's the person he is, he wants wants wants, and he gets it! That's what I like about him, always have" Liam said smiling at Carter, patting him on the back. His whole body seemed to react with his fat rippling. With that, Wonka opened the vault-like door and the group entered the room.

The Inventing Room was the complete opposite of the Chocolate Room. The Chocolate Room was entirely edible and contained intriguing flora. The Inventing Room, on the other hand, was cold and metallic, with almost nothing edible in sight. There were all kinds of inventions and potions, but none of them seemed safe to consume.

Wonka didn't give the group free reign like last time, seeing how Carter used it in the Chocolate Room. He showed off a variety of creative advancements in the candy industry, but Carter couldn't focus on the tour. He felt embarrassed to say the least. His body was more jiggly and flabby than ever. He had to have weighed at least 400 pounds. His stance was wider and he could feel the liquidy chocolate sloshing around in his gut. The cold air was uncomfortable on his exposed belly and only reminded him of how huge he was. Yet, beneath it all, Carter was still hungry and ravenous. He wasn't sure how much of this hunger was a result of the candy and how much was his own gluttony, but he did know that it was insatiable.

Carter's belly growled loudly again, gaining the attention of Wonka. "Still hungry, are we? I have just the thing for that." Wonka led the group towards the biggest machine in the room, ominously looming over the group. Carter wasn't sure if he could trust Wonka after that first candy, but his belly remained in control. Wonka pulled out a stick of gum. "Actually it's not ready yet." Wonka says. "NO! I NEED IT!" Carter demanded. And in a flash he ripped it out of Wonka's hand and had it in his mouth.

The gum immediately tasted like tomato soup. The creamy substance pleased his taste buds before slipping down his throat and into his large stomach. Carter could feel the soup filling him up, and considered the possibility that Wonka hadn't lied to him this time. Maybe this gum would satisfy his hunger.

The gum changed courses at this point, now to a savory roast beef and loaded baked potato. This course had tasted even better than the last, and Carter's hope was maintained. The group looked on in anticipation, waiting for something to go wrong, but finding it to be a long wait.

That's not to say that something wasn't going to go wrong though. With the introduction of the dessert course, a delectable blueberry pie, something strange began to happen to Carter. The feeling of the fullness from the pie was getting bigger, until his stomach started to feel fuller then ever. A loud gurgle came from his stomach, and he put a hand on his stomach almost as if to stop the growing feeling. "I don't feel so good" he said, as a look of concern grew on his face. "What's happening to him?" Liam question, but was not answered. They glanced over at Wonka, who was subtly smirking, as another loud gurgle sounded off from Carter's belly, signifying that there was more to come.

Sloshing could be heard from Carter as his belly began to grow in size. Again, Carter placed his hands on his stomach, trying to push his ballooning belly back in, but to no avail. He was big already and knew he was only going to get bigger as the juice transitioned to other places in his body. The group started to back up from him, worried that he may explode. Carter didn't like that because it made him feel like something bad was happening, which was true. "Mr. Wonka, what's happening to me?" His huge ass began to swell with juice, his body balancing between his juicy belly and juicy booty. "Well it's an every flavor gum, but I haven't gotten it quite right yet." He looked at Liam, "I am terribly sorry". His hips widened and his pecs swelled outwards. The whole group watched in astonishment as his entire body was swelling and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Liam demanded a response from Wonka. "Wonka, seriously, what's happening to him?!?"

Wonka didn't answer, and Carter's belly poked out more and more as it continued to swell. Carter began to rise in height, as the juice rushed to his cheeks. His plump arms and legs were sucked into his swelling center as he rounded out into an enormous sphere.

Carter was now certainly a sight to behold. He was a 10 foot human blueberry. His underwear was barely holding on, unable to contain his vast belly and fat ass. The only traces of his former self were a pair of hands, a pair of feet, and one chubby head. The group stared in silence, gaping at the blueberry man, until Paul broke the silence. "So... what now?"

"He'll have to be squeezed immediately," Wonka responded. Seeing as that may have caused confusion, he elaborated. "We need to roll him to the Juicing Room to have the juice squeezed out of him." Paul now realized that maybe his tits could be sucked.

"Wait, we need to do that?" Ben asked. "Don't you have workers for that sort of thing?"

"As a matter of fact I do." Wonka played a small tune on a flute he produced, and immediately a swarm of strange looking men entered the room, Oompa Loompas he called them. They gathered around the helpless blueberry boy, ready to escort him to the Juicing Room, but not without a little humiliation first. The oompa loompa's got hold of him, and Carter tried to take control, but couldn't. He wiggled his hands and feet, but his arms and legs are sucked in my his fat.

Oompa Loompa Doompity Doo
Look at this boy who's turned fat and a brat
Oompa Loompa Doompity Dore
Growing and growing, yet wanting much more
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
Growing so big you can't see your own feet
But, we are not the people to blame
You are responsible... for... this... shame
Because you listened to your gut
Oompa Loompa Doompity Dar
Your gut is so round that you will roll far
You will live in juiciness too
Like the Oompa Loompa Doompity Do

They rolled Carter around while they sang. Providing a little show for the rest of the boys. They used Carter as a prop, jumping on him and doing tricks. Each time Carter rolled over he moaned because of the juice inside of him.

"Liam !! Help me !!!" Carter cried out. The oompa loompas were to weak to push Carter over a little bump out the door. Liam ran over to his boyfriend pushing him over the hump. For Liam touching Carter felt strange, but good. It was like touching Carter's usual fat, but better. He could feel the juice inside him, and with every push Carter gave out a soft moan. Then Carter was rolled out of the Inventing Room, tour group in tow. Rolling was a rather strange experience for Carter. He felt so helpless in his state, but he felt like the only person he had to blame was himself.

At the Juicing Room, Carter was put into the juicer, fearing that something may go wrong here as well. They attempted to juice him a few times, but to no success. Not a single drop of juice was let out of the boy. Wonka walked up to the blueberry with a clipboard, examining Carter as if he were a lab experiment instead of a person, which was basically his situation at this point. "Hmmm..." Wonka said at last. "It appears that due to your high fat content before chewing the gum, the juice and the fat have merged, making it utterly impossible to juice you." Carter moaned loudly at this news, violently flapping his hands and feet. How could he live as a blueberry? He'd never be able to do anything again!

Liam was also distraught at this news. He always wanted his boyfriend to be big, but this size was going to prove far too big for him to handle.

Seeing as nothing else could be done, Carter was rolled out of the factory in front of a large group of reporters, who frantically began snapping shots of his huge blueberry body. A barrage of questions hit him and his boyfriend:
"Is that a person?"
"Is that a blueberry?"
"How did this happen?"
"How big is he?"
"Is he going to explode?"
Carter moaned helplessly as Liam rolled him off, although neither was sure where to. Carter was not ready to live out the rest of his days as a blueberry.

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