Chocolate Room

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Right at the stroke of 10, Wonka burst out of the factory gates. He was a thin, tall and whimsical character who wasted no time ushering the boys inside. "We mustn't dally, there's so much to see in my incredible factory. And so many sweets for all of you to eat." He glanced back at Carter during that last line, the boy feeling a little targeted by the chocolatier. He was possibly going to talk to Liam about it, but it seemed he didn't notice. Carter figured he was being paranoid, so he let the glance slide and continued walking down the hall towards the heavenly scent of chocolate from the next room.

Wonka fumbled a little with his keys whilst obscuring the keyhole from the group's line of sight before ceremoniously opening the door to a paradise of sugary sweets and their heavenly aromas. All five boys followed Wonka into the room.
"Holy Shit!" Carter said dumbfounded. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open. Liam looked at him and smiled knowing what was about to happen. Carter wanted nothing more but to be frolicking through the candy fields right now. Wonka finally stopped them. "Everything in this room is edible! It's the first time anyone's ever seen it, so dig in boys! Have all the sweets you want!" Again, Wonka seemed to glance at Carter with the delivery of the final line, but who could focus on that when there was a room of sweets to explore.

The boys all went in different directions across the edible meadow, stopping to eat anything they found appealing, some stopping more than others. Carter found his grumbling stomach causing him to pause at every piece of flora in order to taste all of the sweet flavors of the room. After every devoured confection, his eyes (or stomach, not sure which) found another one to go after, gradually filling his belly. If he hadn't been gorging himself at such a rapid rate, he probably would've felt full by now, his shirt clinging tighter to his jiggly paunch.

Wonka noticed Carter's progress and went to go talk to the fatboy. "Enjoying ourselves, are we?" he said to Carter, who was stuffing his mouth with a marshmallow. The boy nodded as he continued to down the puffy sweet. His hands were covered with chocolate residue, and marshmallow fluff. He didn't care how messy he got, as long as the food went into his mouth he was happy. Wonka produced a taffy-like candy from his pocket. "I find that these really help you explore the vast number of flavors contained in the Chocolate Room." Carter eagerly took the taffy and stuffed it in his mouth along with the marshmallow.
Upon swallowing, Carter felt rather hungry, like he hadn't eaten anything all morning. He looked down and noticed that his belly was out, and that deep belly button was visible and had chocolate stained in it. His stomach audibly growled, begging to be filled with any of the room's desserts. Carter became even more ravenous than before, devouring every candy in sight in hopes of appeasing his belly's demands. However, no matter how many chocolates were shoved down his throat, his belly refused to be satisfied. He looked down at his growling tummy to see that it was much larger than it had been when he entered, almost entirely obscuring his feet from his line of sight.

Liam looked over at his plump boyfriend and noticed the extra weight put on. He rather liked it, and wanted to help in the fattening process. "Ooh, someone's getting pretty full," Liam said to his boyfriend, who was still hungry, but still not being satisfied. "Tell you what: how about you sit down, and I'll feed you some more." Carter nodded groggily and sat down on his fat ass.

Liam began grabbing everything he could to feed to his boyfriend. Every piece of sugary flora he could find went straight into Carter's gapping mouth. Liam shoved them in quickly, so eager in his endeavor to fatten his boyfriend, that Carter had no time to swallow. He would have begged to stop, but his appetite was still ravenous and he was waiting for his stomach to finally be full. His face surrounding his mouth was a mess with chocolate and marshmallow surrounding it. He looked like a pig who was eating dirt.

Ben took notice of what Liam was doing and walked over. "Are you sure he needs more sweets? He's looking a little..." Be. paused and glanced over at Carter's huge body "...full."

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