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it's been a few more hours. me and the nameless blonde man decided to go upstairs -- well, technically just in a corner on the stairs -- and sit with some other people, smoking whatever they have there, practically close to passing out.

i open my phone, checking at the buzzing sounds and trying to make it so my brain can comprehend the letters. it's a text from my mom.

btrith givr - 3:49 AM
hey, we're going to be home later than we thought! expect us sometime this week 😁

me - 4:02 AM
ok see you later gn

i scroll through my google chrome pages, trying to find discord. i go on and text an online friend, even though we've barely talked today.

sadnapp today, 4:12 AM
hi hello

ggnf today, 4:13 AM
do you wsnt
uts l8 rn for yoyu wgy r yoy awak e 🤨‼

sadnapp today, 4:13 AM
im @ a party 😨😨‼

ggnf today, 4:13 AM
loserrr !!! 🙄
anyways whst did you wanr

sadnapp today, 4:14 AM
idk im broed 🤨🤨

ggnf today, 4:14 AM
go to sleep shawty

sadnapp today, 4:14 AM

sadnapp today, 4:38 AM
oh ob oh yega i remeberd what i wanred tk tell you but i frogit again

ggnf today, 4:40 AM
let me eat my breakfast irs litersally 10 am

i turn off my phone, stuffing it back in my pocket and laying back against the wall, blonde boy sitting next to me.

it's quiet, not much noise except for the music from downstairs - and probably a couple doing it in the closet a few doors down.

i'm about close to falling asleep right there - next to a few other people, a strong scent of alcohol and cigs, music playing in the background.

my eyes droop closed and, as if on cue, almost immediately fall asleep.

uh ih  uh timeskip??? sorry i hate doig these wtf ajdgajdgajdb

i slowly blink awake, finding myself outside, infront of a house and. in someone's arms? not sure who, but its not like theyre kidnapping me or anything.

i rub my tired eyes and the person behind me lets go. i stand up, and hey look, it's blondey. i catch myself holding back a smile.

i sit on the porch, my head throbbing with a terrible headache. how much did i drink?

whatever, i dig through my pockets and find a bottle of motrin, taking a few of the small pills.

(hi offtopic im listenidgn to cabinet man whule writig thsid [wicked])
(i swer uts lamost tge edn of the chapter wsheghegdhw)

"i'm.. gonna go grab a drink. do you need anything from inside?" he stands up from his chair and starts turning the doorknob to the glass door.
"uhh, no?, it's like.. six am man, be careful?"
"okay, i'll be back in just a minute pretty boy."
"will you stop that? it's not my name-"
"oh whaaat, pretty boy's blushing?" he smiles and heads inside.

i sit and wait for him to get back, my head still pounding as i start messing around on my phone. and, even though i don't really want  to, i will admit that i had to stop and hide my bright-red tomato face.

next thing i know, blondey's stumbling back outside with two red solo cups in hand. he hands one to me, i decline the offer.

he shrugs and starts taking sips of one of the cups, setting one beside his feet. (I HATE THE WORD FEET OH MY GIOD WH DID I SY UT AHSGAHSHAH)

as i'm messing around with my phone, looking through texts, going on twitter, stuff like that, i look at the time, holy shit it's late.

"hey, um.. you can drive, right?"
"sorta, sure. why?"
i pause, wary of what i'm saying.
"yeah so, would it be okay if you could drive me home.? i walked here and i don't really know how to get back and stuff and my parents might be home later today and stuff-"
"oh yeah sure, my car is the white one over there. i'll be right back, just get in the car."

he goes inside -- presumably to put away his drinks, or, something like that -- as i climb into the passengers seat.

as i wait for him to return i sit back in the seat, my mind wandering.
what if we crash ?
what happens if we get lost ?
what if, what if, what if..

i have to stop myself from going further, everything's going to be fine. i don't wanna be anxious the whole ride to the point i forget how to breathe, do i?

i see someone walking outside and towards the car, they get close enough to the point i recognize them.

he opens the door, digging through his pockets for his key and the aux cord. he starts the car and hands me the cord, i plug in my almost-dead phone as we pull out of the driveway and into the dark roads.

the drive has been silent so far, the only thing making any noise being the good ol' "i hste evruetgfin sm awhdj3bdjwjnswjbd fuck" playlist.

i won't lie, i'm kind of scared. i mean, what was i thinking? asking some random guy i'd met a few hours ago to drive me home while he's drunk?? sometimes i have to think before i do.

the drive goes smoothly, surprisingly. we're about halfway there and nothing bad has happened so far..

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