Bio and back story

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Bio: black hair 6 ft 5 and small build but it backs enough power as midriya 20% cowling
His first quirk is ultra healing factor a rare quirk that makes the holder immortal he can die see heaven or hell depends on him if he's been good or not. Cut off limbs regenerate in 24 hours at the beginning of the book(next chapter) he can also put his blood on a person to heal them but said person feels it healing all at once so it's excruciating for them but y/n doesn't feel it. His second quirk is like his dads but you find it out later in the story.

Back story and more people info: Y/n was born with a loving mother and no father in his life. At the age of five he died and came back to look life in a car accident and healed the man that hit him on accident which caused him and his mom to be targeted by gangs. After the hangs caught them the police did A raid only to find the mom dead burnt to ash and y/n still in fire and regenerating but only for the gangs to take him back.

The gangs for four years tied him up in chains and bleed him dry every day every ounce. And one day he got free and cttv footage shows him killing them all while "having a smile bigger and purer than all mights" two weeks later they found him saving people from muggings attempted rape and such. One day he saved a kid from a semi truck only to be run over and cut in two which he crawls away from. All the blood in the legs was donated to a nearby hospital.

He now lives the vigilante life and actively kills any villains he deems necessary to kill. And actively beating up heroes which he quotes are scum bag all heroes beat up have criminal charges against them. He's also seen jumping around and off buildings only to scare children and skating down the highway to be hit by the train and even putting an electric current through from the telephone wires which he also survived. All kid stuff so his age is deemed not to be older than 18.

The underground hero Eraserhead is actively searching for him and has escaped his grasp 13 times and counting.

When Y/N is dressed up as a civilian and the scene by the police on top of buildings or smoking or chasing around children they pick him up and bring him to Detective Tsukauchi who's quirk is lie detector he has a second longest rap sheet in Japan at this time because of detective Tsukauchi and also built a stable relationship sort of like parent and child he knows all the officers in the building and even saw their plans of a drug bust and helped analyze the situation for them which got him one donut and One get out of jail free card. Which he used the next day when he went to the drug bust with them to earn a scolding and to not spend the night with them again. All the detectives and officers believe he is quirk less. And don't know he is the vigilante – unkillable.

I will be jumping around the story in third person Y/N point of view. Enjoy the story in the next chapter.

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