5 ⚔︎Love is a Burden⚔︎

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The Captain's Captive
Chapter 5
⚔︎ Love is a Burden ⚔︎
[3rd Person POV]

Mikasa stood next to Annie at the helm, watching the sea at night.

"We'll probably never find him." Annie said indifferently. "We'll have to search the entire ocean for a ship that's never found unless it wants to be."

"I know the odds." Mikasa growled and glanced up at Ymir who was lounging in the crows nest. "But we have our orders. Ymir! Anything?!"

"Not a ship in sight!" She called down. She sounded bored out of her mind, probably because Christa wasn't there to entertain her. The two had been together for a year now. Mikasa had found out a month ago and didn't care, being asexual/biromantic herself. As long as their superiors didn't find out it was fine. Marco and Jean were together as well. The crew kept the secret well hidden. They took care of each other.

"Try that way." Annie pointed to the right of the direction they were headed in. "I have a feeling that way is a good way."

Mikasa shrugged and turned the ship. "Hopefully your feelings mean something."

"Armin asleep?" Annie asked.

"Yep. He got a bit seasick at first but I think he's getting over it." Mikasa answered. The crew had accepted Armin as one of their own easily. Jean, Marco, and Connie had showed him around. Mikasa let him share her bed in the captain's quarters.

"Good. We can't have a seasick soldier."

"He's not a soldier." Mikasa argued.

"He is when he's with us." Annie said. "Because of orders-" she glanced at Mikasa. "Or personal decisions."

Mikasa sighed. "I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

Annie smirked. "No. I'm guessing our orders to find Eren are fake as well?"

"Yes." Mikasa looked out across the sea. "I need to find him, Annie. I'm sorry I lied to you."

Annie shrugged. "It's fine, I would've done the same thing if it was my friend."

That didn't make Mikasa feel any better.

"I see something!" Ymir yelled and Mikasa stiffened. "No, wait, that's just the hopelessness of this mission!"

"Ymir, you're relieved!" Mikasa yelled up angrily. She watched Ymir climb down.

"Yes, Cap." Ymir said and walked down to her cabin.

"I'll get Armin to take her place." Annie said, reading Mikasa's mind.

Mikasa watched her walk. She had to find Eren, she couldn't put her crew at risk and end up with nothing. If she didn't save Eren that meant she failed him and she failed his mother. She'd promised Carla that she'd take care of him and she'd gone and let him get kidnapped by the most ruthless pirates in the world.

Probably the biggest fuck up of her life.

Armin came out with Annie and climbed the mast.

"You know what the boat looks like?" Mikasa asked him.

Armin nodded halfway up the mast. "There isn't one person in England who can't recognize that hell-ship on sight."

Mikasa nodded and stared out into the seemingly endless waters.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like?" Annie asked suddenly. Mikasa turned to face her.


"The end," Annie pointed out. "Of the water. The end of the world."

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