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"Jisung, stop!"

Jeongin, his younger brother rolled his eyes. Jisung was hungry, so he asked if Jeongin wanted to go to the convenience store so him can buy him something. On their way there, Jisung made a bet that he could walk the whole way there backwards. But Jeongin kept telling the elder that he was going to bump into someone or something.

"You just don't want to give me $10!" Jisung stuck out his tongue.

"Ah-ah Jisung hyung!" Jeongin grabbed Jisung's arm pulling him towards him. "What?!" he said taking his arm back. "You- you almost hit that pole! Just walk regular!" Jeongin turned Jisung around. "Fine! but on our way home I'm going to walk however I want." Jisung pouted and crossed his arms.

"How can you be so old yet so childish?" Jeongin mumbled loud enough for Jisung to hear. "Haha, I heard that. I'm not childish, I just like to have fun!" he giggled giving his brother's arm a light shove. "If bumping into a pole is fun to you," Jeongin mumbled more and smiled after, low enough this time that Jisung's couldn't hear.

"What was that?" he asked, stopping his tracks. Jeongin sighed and turned around to his Hyung. "Come on, the store is right here." Jisung puffed his cheeks in anger and shook his head. "No! What did you say?" 

"It doesn't matter, just come!" Jeongin rolled his eyes and got ahold of Jisung's wrist. He tried to pull the shorter boy inside, but his feet were planted on the side-walk, refusing to move. "I'm not moving until you tell me what you said!" Jisung stomped and pouted.

"Fine, stay here and be a baby. I'm going inside." Jeongin let go of Jisung and went inside the convenience store, leaving the older by himself. Jisung sat there with his arms crossed, waiting for Jeongin to come back out. "I'm not moving!" he shouted.

Jisung bit his lip getting antsy. Surely, Jeongin wasn't coming out anytime soon. "Ugh, stupid Jeongin.." Jisung gave in and stomped inside the store. "I knew you'd come in soon," a voice chuckled, startling Jisung. "Where you standing in front of the door this whole time?!"

"Of course I was...now, go pick out what you want so we can go home." Jeongin said, getting on his phone. He already had his snacks, he was just waiting on Jisung. 

The brunette didn't have to get told twice. He picked out series of different snacks, for sure clearing out his younger brother's wallet. 


After Jisung and Jeongin bought their snacks, the two were on their way home. Jisung was skipping backwards, enjoying his swirl lollipop. Jeongin was still yelling at his Hyung to walk regular, warning him that he was going to hurt himself. But, JIsung was too focused on his prize money, he was going to get once he showed Jeongin he could walk that this safely until they got home.

"I'll be waiting for my $10, baby bread!" The brunette giggled, only walking faster, basically jogging backwards. Jeongin shook his head in annoyance and looked down on his phone. "You know, walking backwards actually helps distract you from looking down at your phone when you're walking?"

"Mhm, and who told you that?"

"wikiHow bi- oof!" Jisung felt his body jerk forward, as he harshly bumped into something. The small boy end up falling hard on his butt, dropping his lollipop watching it shatter into a million pieces. "Noo, my lollipop!" Jisung whined and puffed his cheeks. 

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jeongin quickly put his phone away and to help him up. Jisung nodded sadly, still looking down at his precious lollipop. "I told you to walk straight, didn't I? Look, you're all dirty now! aish..Han Jisung." Jeongin ranted, dusting off his brothers clothes.

That was until he noticed a small group of 6 men, staring down at them. They looked like angry hitman, ready to blow out both Jisung and Jeongin's brains. They were standing in a triangle formation, with one guy standing in the middle like he was the leader or something.

Jeongin was 100% sure it was no gangs or mafia's in their neighborhood, but he was still cautious to keep his brother safe. "You need to watch where you're going." One of the men spoke up, sending constant shivers down Jeongin's spine.

"No, you need to watch where your going! You could've moved out the way!" Jisung stomped in anger, obviously furious about the candy still. "H-hyung, I'll buy you another, j-just come on.." Jeongin grabbed Jisung, not wanting to cause trouble. Especially, not knowing what these guys are capable of. 

"E-excuse us, s-sirs." The younger bowed in apology and sped walked pasted the group. Before the siblings could get away fully, the first guy put his hand on Jisung's tummy preventing him from moving. 

The shorter let out a small gasp, and looked up at him. He man leaned down to Jisung's ear and licked his lips. "I'll see you again, pretty." 

"Jisung, lets go!" Jeongin raised his voice, yanking Jisung's arm, dragging him away. Jisung could only look back at the group, making eye contact with every single one of the men. Jisung wasn't exactly afraid of what he was told, speaking that none of they guys had weapon's.

He just took it as a little threat to be more careful.

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥;; 𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚

"Are you crazy!? You're going to yourself hurt, hyung!"

"Well, maybe if didn't make me drop my candy!" Jisung pouted. "You're still going on about that little piece of candy?!" Jeongin groaned, cutting Jisung off.

"Yes, I am! Plus, I didn't see any weapon's on them, so we're okay."

"No, I'm safe! I'll start praying for you," Jeongin said, patting Jisung's back. "While you're at it, can I have my lollipop?" Jisung smiled cutely. Jeongin rolled his eyes giving the shorter his lollipop. 

Why keep trying if Jisung wasn't going to listen anyways? The younger sighed watching his Hyung happily run to the couch to watch cartoons.

"Aish, Han Jisung.."


𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 || MINSUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now