Recipe 1: Strawberry Shortcake

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Hey! I'm back after a two week hiatus in My Dearest!

In my own life, I was only annoyed once.

"Um.. Konichiwa- Bonjour! I'm Ichigo-" Speaking in a robotic voice, the new student named Ichigo was shown she doesn't know French that well. The only thing she didn't know? We could understand Japanese.

Two months ago, Tenouji Mari was a better opponent than Team Ichigo. Henrie-sensei mentioned while we were making peppermint bark, that the leader namesake, Ichigo, is average at making sweets, but has a large vast of creativity and thinking. The rest of the teammates, are known as the Sweet Princes, the best in sweets making in the Japan Branch.

Even though Tennouji was a great opponent, she never won once against me. In education, making sweets, even to adult talks, I was always number 1. Second to no one and will never to beaten until the world freezes.

As a heiress to a large company my father own, it was to be expected to be number 1 in everything. Battling a hotel manager daughter was well worth, as she was difficult with her capabilities with Honey. But sweet can never be too sweet.

"Kashino Makoto." A blonde hair muttered. Of course, a doctor heir. Doing research is the best way for me to organize behind the shadows. Showing an invisible, will make it invisible.

"Hanabusa Sarita, at your service." Holding a Rose in his hand, showing off the girls, he was a child of a flower arranger.

"I'm Andou Sennosuke." He bowed in a Japanese like manner in front of the class.

"Welcome, transfer students. Mind you, Ichigo, we can understand Japanese. I hope your stay here would be wonderful to your abilities." I just found that everyone in the class is now smitten by these people. Andou for his careful and caring personality, the flirting of Hanabusa, Kashino demeanor, and Ichigo's cheerful personality.

Disappointed with the students, I stood up and walked down the aisle with my books to my chest. Walking in front of them without blinking an eye toward them, I smirked. This was going to be a fun day for me, playing with the Princes and the Empress.

I was talking to Mari before the new transfer students came walking in. Walking ever so slowly, the students were obviously still smitten. But, these transfer student were dense enough that they were receiving a lot of attention.

"Ah! It's Vanilla, Chocolat, Caramel, and Cafe!" Milk squealed from my shirt pocket, as she peeked out. Even if she has a high role like Honey, she looks more of a Mage than a Princess.

"Attention! We're making strawberry shortcake for a refresher! Work with your team!" Translating in simpler terms, you have to work together to make one cake. As my only teammate is Mari, we agreed that she does the batter while I make the cream.

Chopping the strawberries in a strange way, many students starts looming our station. I then made the cream, using Milk's help to make the cream and strawberry melt together. Once the batter was cooked, we spread it out.

Decorating with the dried up strawberry and adding a pinch of honey, we were done. Making the cake is lesson 101. The teacher came by to taste it.

"The texture is perfect. It tastes like you're in a strawberry field!" The teacher exclaimed, giving us A+ for the effort. I then looked over to the station where the transfer students were, sweat dropping in the process.

"Merci.." Mari muttered, as we both saw the mess the team was having. Kashino and Ichigo were arguing with the other two desperately trying to calm them down. The cake laid forgotten, as the cream was ready to go back to being liquid.

Angry, I walked over there and slapped both of their faces. Not very hard, but to prove a point. I then went to their cream, and started mixing it. Seeing the cake area already made, I finished the strawberry shortcake for them.

"Either you guys can learn to cooperate, or get out of this classroom. It's practically annoying and it's disturbing everyone. Don't you have any shame?" I coldly said, before walking out of the classroom. No one defy me at all, for being the best of best comes with benefits.

I came toward to the flower garden we have at this school. Planted by Marie herself, the founder, it was a delightful sight to see with all the different type of flowers. Holding a Lily between my fingers, a person hand came to claim it for themselves. Looking to the person, it was Henrie.

"Is there anything you need, Teacher?" I carefully asked. He just smiled and gave me the white Lily.

"They're not normally like this." He said, walking toward to the pavilion. It was the place where we always meet, usually to talk wonder. But there was a line we never crossed, which was about our sweets creations. The reason behind it.

I work at his store, known as Marie Garden. I was one of the top chefs, making the world renowned chocolates and spectacular designs. I closely talked to him about such things, where I learned business in exchange.

I knew he meant Team Ichigo, but I know that it was futile to make doubt about Henrie. If I was the angel then he was god.

"Haruna, how about we make a bet?" My eyes perked up to him, his eyes meeting mine.

"If you fall in love with one of the Sweet Princes," A pause happened before he spoke again, this time more serious.

"I'll tell you all my recipes for all my sweets."

At that time, I thought he was joking. Only to be then, to be true.

There is going to be love. There is sweets like chocolate. But my eyes deceives like delusions.

This was going to be a great year at Saint Marie Academy.

My life is fake.
My emotions are fake.
When can I soar across the endless blue sky,
That provides a chance for freedom?
~Hanizaki Haruna Age 8

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